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Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Naperville Jaycee Receives Highest Honor



Above – Three Naperville Jaycees have been awarded the United States JCI Senator designation. From left, Al DeGeeter, Kevin Gensler and Ray Kinney.

Naperville Jaycee member, Kevin Gensler, has been awarded the United States JCI Senator designation. JCI Senatorship is the highest honor that can be bestowed on a member. Gensler joins 7,800 Senators throughout the United States, and is one of only three in the Naperville Jaycees.

Senatorship is given in recognition of outstanding service performed.

“It is an honor to be able to recognize Kevin for his extraordinary commitment to the Naperville Jaycees.” said Karen Coleman, President of the Naperville Jaycees. “In addition to his leadership and service over the last thirty years, Kevin has become an invaluable mentor to many of the younger Jaycees. He truly exemplifies our mission – personal development through community service, and our belief that service to humanity is the best work of life.”

The award was presented right after the Last Fling had closed for the evening on Sept. 4 during a Naperville Jaycee members-only event.  In accordance with JCI Senate standards, this award always is intended to surprise to the recipient.


As Gensler stood among fellow Jaycees waiting for the announcement, Roosters Al DeGeeter, Ray Kinney and Mike Naset paid tribute to the yet-to-be-recognized recipient, dropping clues along the way.

When Naset pulled out a written “contract agreement” dated Aug. 23, 1989, the cat was out of the bag.

“Whereas, the Naperville Jaycees put on the Last Fing with the Executive Committee being empowered to work out the details; Whereas…” Naset read, citing 13 “therefores” before finishing the agreement that stated, “Anyone who violates the above rules must become the Executive Director for next year’s Last Fling.”

And club members reminisced about the responsibilities of the Executive Committee comprised in 1989 of Gensler, Jim Pullano, Sandi Shamburek, Bob Farrington, Maureen Naset, Darlene Schluter and Leo Misdom, all of whom had signed off on the agreement written by the young attorney.

Obviously humbled by the recognition, a gracious Gensler credited the Jaycees, past and present, with helping to fund many things that have “made Naperville great,” including the Jaycees Marina, handicapped accessible playground along the Riverwalk and volunteer initiatives such as snow shoveling for senior citizens.

The Naperville Jaycees is a nonprofit service organization with over 150 young persons dedicated to personal development through community service. The group organizes and staffs many community events and programs, including Easter Egg Hunt, Lobster Day, and Holiday Food Giving programs. Their largest event is the Last Fling, being held this weekend in downtown Naperville.

Gensler joined the Naperville Jaycees in 1985, and remains an active member today. He served as Last Fling Executive Director in 1989, and President in 1990-1991.


Above / Kevin Gensler, Mike Van Poucke and Pat Benton celebrated during an open house at First Community Bank of Naperville. Gensler serves on the bank’s board of directors.

Gensler is a Managing Partner at the Naperville law office – Dommermuth, Cobine, West, Gensler, Philipchuck, Corrigan and Bernhard, Ltd. In addition, he serves on the North Central College Board of Trustees, Edward Hospital Board of Trustees, and the Board of Directors of First Community Bank of Naperville.

Gensler and his wife, Sue, live in Naperville and have three adult children and four grandchildren.

Representing the Naperville Jaycees, Al DeGeeter and Ray Kinney were previously distinguished as United States JCI Senators.


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PN Ombudsman
PN Ombudsman
An ombudsman is Scandinavian in origin dating back to Viking times; and refers to a community representative; usually acting independently on behalf of an organization, body of elected officials, or civic group. Thanks Scandinavia for inventing ombudsman.