59.2 F
Saturday, October 12, 2024

Journey With Autism – Healing


JoeyI have listened to people discuss healing for a long time. My father operated on thousands of people in his life and I spent many hours in his company hearing people speak to him and ask if they would be healed.

He never let them face a poor prognosis alone, pouring kindness onto them and opening the door to leaving this world for those people placed in the “no hope” category. I knew that filling lost hope, even though person might die, helped them in ways that provided a kind of healing known to only one’s soul.

We who have autism or other lifelong disabilities have listened to people lifelong say that we need to be healed. In a great deal of our cases, we are not ill. Which leads into the place I become concerned.

I could not be who I am if I were free of autism. The sometimes very difficult, flowing challenge my family and I face lead us to believe that I’m a heavy, great burden. But those of us living in the disabilities world grew up and became who we are living with a heavy cross.

Heal us with love, kindness and respect. Walk us through life teaching us as we can promise to teach you.

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Joe Rosenbloom
Joe Rosenbloom
Joe Rosenbloom is a 29-year-old young man with autism spectrum disorder, who is passionate about outreach and social justice.