69.5 F
Friday, October 4, 2024



Find the most recent greeting  posted at the top of this selection as the page is updated throughout the month.

Occasionally, Greetings to PN also are linked to other online PN stories that are saved in our archive. Many greetings, edited for space for the printed publication, will appear in the next issue.

Thank you for keeping greetings as brief as possible. And thanks for sending your thoughts about this community with your signature, first and last name. We welcome them!

To PN / Reason for online purchase of Cock Robin T-Shirts: We lived in Brookfield for over 20 years and all three of my children worked at the Cock Robin in Brookfield during high school… It was a first job for each of them. —Christine Perusich

Bobosky-in-Germany-FullSizeRender-(4)To PN: A little info on this picture. We are in Germany to celebrate our grandson’s graduation. That’s Brand Kraimer on the left reading Positively Naperville on his iPad. In the center is our granddaughter, Ella, who is reading the newspaper. Of course, on the right is Brand Bobosky one of your greatest supporters also checking out the newspaper on his iPhone.

It was the kids’ idea to bring in technology. Not only can we read the hard print, but we can also get anywhere in the world the on line version.  We are all soon to be famous! —Dr. Mary Ann Bobosky, Sent from my iPhone

To PN: If the sun is shining, we’ll have cool cars and people ‘picking’! A fun Americana morning (Sat., June 20)! … We hope to have as many as 50 Classic Cars on display for visitors to come and see!—Katie Wood, Executive Director, Downtown Naperville Alliance

Editor’s Note: On Sat., June 20 – weather permitting on Father’s Day weekend — downtown Naperville will host a Classic Car Show along Jackson Ave. from Eagle to to Egg Harbor … “basically in front of the Library,” according to Katie Wood.  That Saturday morning, the Naperville Pickers (See photo of musicians at top of this page.) again will be performing in the Riverwalk Pavilion near the Dandelion Fountain at Webster Street.  From spring through fall, the Naperville Pickers now play from 9-11AM most Saturday mornings.

To PN: Thanks to you and/or Tim for posting the Mayor’s Golf Outing release so quickly (and for adding the extra photo from last year).  Thanks for carrying information over to your wonderful charity golf outing listing. —Alison Segebarth, Marketing, Mayor’s Golf Outing, www.mayorsgolfouting.org

To PN: St. Patrick’s Residence will host a book fair of gently used books that are free to individuals who would like them. It is being sponsored by Let’s Read, a not-for-profit dedicated to the memory of children’s author, Mary Jane Miller. The Miller family has a children’s library here at St. Patrick’s for our employees. They have hundreds of books they will be giving away free at St. Thomas the Apostle Church on Wed., July 1,  from 11AM-3PM. I’m hoping you will be able put the event on your website and find a spot in PN. … Thank you. —Madelene Bernar, Director of Development

To PN: Great job on the story about Phil (Maughan). He was really stumped as to how it happened. I told him never to underestimate the power of two young ladies on a Sunday morning outside Starbucks!  —Nina Petru, Past Commander, Judd Kendall VFW Post 3873

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PN Editor
PN Editor
An editor is someone who prepares content for publishing. It entered English, the American Language, via French. Its modern sense for newspapers has been around since about 1800.