When I moved to Naperville in 1997, George Pradel was just a couple of years into his first term as the Mayor of Naperville. My first encounter with him was at the 1998 Labor Day Parade. As I watched him lead my oldest daughter and 100 other Safety Town graduates on Big Wheels down Mill Street, I was struck by how happy and at ease he seemed despite the chaos around him.
Over the years, I have had the pleasure and privilege of getting to know the Mayor and even worked alongside him on some community projects. I continue to be amazed at his energy level, his passion for his hometown and the way he takes all that life throws at him in stride with a positive attitude, supported by his family and his faith.
In this month’s “Naperville News Extra,” the news team takes a look at the life of Mayor A. George Pradel. For this 30-minute program, reporter Natalie Vitale recently spent a day with the Mayor as he went about his official duties. Vitale also looks back at the Mayor’s childhood and what it was like growing up in Naperville, as well as reports on some of the highlights of his 20 years in office.
While Mayor Pradel presided over his last City Council meeting on Tuesday, April 21 and will turn over his office to incoming Mayor Steve Chirico this month, you can be sure he’ll remain Naperville’s #1 Cheerleader.
On behalf of everyone at the station, we thank you, Mayor Pradel, for your many years of service and we wish Citizen George all the best in the years ahead.