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Naperville candidates are off and running for next campaign season


UPDATE March 20, 2015 / Be sure to visit the Meet & Greet section with all its updates and links to public candidate forums.  Taking time to watch the candidates speak to the issues is another way to assess how they might be qualified to serve an your elected official on local school boards, park board of commissioners or City Council. Thanks for being an educated voter. The information is certainly available.

The Daily Herald also features a handy 2015 Election News section on its website at www.dailyherald.com where you’ll find Q&A, endorsements and stories about the candidate forums.

UPDATE  Jan. 18, 2015 / Meet & Greet events are posted on the Positively Naperville Election & Voter’s Guide. The first all-candidate reception is slated for 6-9PM Thurs, Jan. 22, at Hotel Arista in CityGate Centre, hosted by the Naperville Professional Firefighters.

UPDATE  Jan. 2, 2015 / Individuals who will appear on the Consolidated Election ballot for local governing bodies are:

Naperville Mayor (Choose one)

Naperville City Council (Choose up to eight / Eight seats to fill)

Naperville Community Unit District 203 School Board (Choose three)

Terry Fielden, Mike Jaensch and Suzyn Price

Indian Prairie Unit School District 204 School Board (Choose three)

Lori Price, Mark Rising, Justin Karubas and Renata Sliva

Naperville Park District Board of Commissioners (Choose three)

Rich Janor, Marie Todd, Jim Ensign and Melvin Kim

Here’s a little history of how it all happened…

UPDATE Dec. 5, 2014 / Matt Dubiel has released the following statement in regard to his candidacy for Mayor of Naperville:

“It was with the best of intentions that I entered into the race for mayor of Naperville: to seek to better the lives of all residents of our community.  I am truly humbled by the support of my family, friends and the community at large.

“As you may know, my candidacy for this office has been the subject of legal challenges based upon a ‘residency requirement.’  While my family’s connection to the City of Naperville and its surrounding environs is real and genuine, I have been advised by my attorney that a legal loophole prevents me from ultimately remaining on the ballot.

“Therefore, I intend to formally withdraw my candidacy for mayor of Naperville.”

The Electoral Board still will meet as scheduled at 9:30AM Mon., Dec. 8, 2014, in order to accept the withdrawal according to Illinois state code.

UPDATE Dec. 1, 2014  /  From the City Clerk’s Office: The lottery to determine ballot order of Mayor and City Council candidates who simultaneously filed petitions to run in the 2015 Consolidated Election will take place at 4PM on Wednesday, Dec. 3,  in City Council Chambers of the Naperville Municipal Center, 400 S. Eagle St. The lottery viewing is open to the public and candidates are not required to attend.

The order of filing determines the position of a candidate’s name on the ballot. All petitions that were filed by people waiting in line at the City Clerk’s office at or before 9AM on Monday, November 17 – the first day to file candidacy papers – and after 4PM on Monday, November 24 – the last day to file candidacy papers – were considered simultaneously filed. Because two or more individuals were in line filing papers for the same office on those dates and times, the City Clerk will determine the order of candidates’ names on the ballot via a lottery.

Any petitions that were submitted after 9AM on November 17 and before 4PM on November 24 will be on the ballot in the order they were received.

UPDATE Nov. 17, 2014 / Get  ready for the changing season…the changing campaign season, that is! More than ever, paying attention could pay dividends for individuals who seek reliable, efficient and fiscally responsible governing bodies.

Serious candidates who desire to serve on the Naperville City Council, school boards in School Districts 203 and 204 and Naperville Park District Board of Commissioners soon will be turning in their nominating petitions to create the slates for local governing bodies before the end of the year.

The Consolidated Election of local governing bodies will be Tues., April 7, 2015.

A Consolidated Primary Election will be held on Tues., Feb. 24, 2015, if more than 32 candidates file for City Council and/or more than four candidates file to run for Mayor.

The new Naperville City Council will be seated the first Sunday in May 2015.

Sunshine at the Naperville Municipal Center welcomed 18 hopefuls before 9AM who filed to run for Naperville City Council.

Candidates for Naperville City Council file Nov. 17-24

The one-week filing period began at 9AM today, Mon., Nov. 17, to run for Naperville City Council.  All nine seats are up for election, including the mayor. Hopefuls can drop off their nominating petitions at the City Clerk’s Office in the Naperville Municipal Center, 400 S. Eagle Street. See the long list of residents that have picked up nominating petition packets at www.positivelynaperville.com. Most likely, a number of the individuals who indicated interest by picking up nominating packets will not file.

Today 18 candidates were in line to file by 9AM, making all of them eligible to be in the lottery for placement on the ballot.  According to the list in no particular order sent by the City Clerk’s Office, four candidates filed to be placed on the ballot for Mayor and 14 filed to run for City Council. Their names appear below as they will be printed on the ballot. PN has a policy of not identifying incumbents after the filing period begins. PN also does not endorse candidates. Any list of candidates going forward will be all inclusive after filing.

Candidates for mayor are Steve Chirico, Douglas P “Doug” Krause, James Haselhorst and Marty Walker.

By 8:55AM, candidates spilled out into the lobby of the Naperville Municipal Center where local daily news reporters began asking questions.

Candidates for City Council who were in line by 9AM are Robert Hajek, Richard “Dick” Furstenau, H. Thomas O’Hale, James “Jimmy” Bergeron, Joe McElroy, Patricia “Patty” Gustin, Wayne Floegel, John Krummen, Paul Hinterlong, David G. Wentz, Judith Brodhead, Nancy J. Marinello, Bill Eagan and Kevin Coyne. John J. Colletti filed later in the morning.

All candidates in line by 9AM will be in the lottery for ballot placement.

The filing period ends at 5PM Mon., Nov. 24, no exceptions.

After the rush of filing, a number of candidates and campaign managers engaged in conversation regarding candidate forums and messaging, noting with so many individuals on the ballot, voters could have a tough time getting to know all the candidates.

For starters, Positively Naperville has created 20 Questions for all the City Council candidates to consider. Any candidate who left the early-morning filing without a packet of the 20 questions is welcomed to contact Stephanie@positivelynaperville.com for an electronic copy. Every candidate who returns brief thoughtful answers by Dec. 20, 2014, will be featured with the Q&A on this website beginning January 2, 2015. In addition, PN’s Election and Voter’s Guide will be updated to feature the Consolidated Election after all candidates have filed. By request, this website will link to a candidate’s website.

Meanwhile, read the daily newspapers as they cover the City Council meetings and the campaign. All local newspapers welcome advertising.

City Council workshops that lead to the next budget are now in progress and saved in the city’s archive for easy viewing. The City’s fiscal year runs May 1 through April 30.

The next City Council meeting begins at 7PM Tues., Nov. 18.  The agenda and packet are available on the City’s website.

Would you like to have an office in this building? Turn in City Council petitions from Nov. 17-24.

Reminder: This filing period does not cover candidates for park, library, school, community college, educational service region, or fire protection district offices.

Regarding the lottery, the City Clerk highlighted the following information: “Seven (7) days written notice of the time and place for conducting a lottery shall be given when 2 or more petitions are received simultaneously for the same office and party or nonpartisan candidates, as of the opening hour of the filing period NOVEMBER 17, 2014 or within the last hour of the filing period NOVEMBER 24, 2014. Notice shall be given by the local election official to the chairman of each political party and to each organization of citizens within the election jurisdiction entitled to have pollwatchers present at the last Consolidated Election. Notice must be posted at the entrance of the office. The lottery itself must be conducted within 9 days of the last of petition filing. (The State Board of Elections recommends notifying all candidates involved in the lottery.) (10 ILCS 5/7-12(6), 10-6.2)

“Per P.A. 97-1044 (Effective January 1, 2013) and P.A 98-115 (Effective July 29, 2013), 2 or more petitions filed within the last hour of the filing deadline (between 4:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m. on the last filing day) shall be deemed filed simultaneously and the order of candidate placement on the ballot will be determined by a separate lottery drawing. [10 ILCS 5/7-12(6); 8-9(2); 10-6.2]”

Candidates for Unit School Districts 203 and 204 (K-12) School Boards file Dec. 15-22

Individuals who wish to run to serve on local school boards in Illinois now will find the nominating petition packets at the county board of election instead of their local school administration office. Petitions must be filed between Dec. 15 and Dec. 22, 2014.  Three four-year terms will be filled during the election on April 7.

New for 2014, the DuPage County Election Commission has candidate packets available on its website athttp://www.dupageco.org/Content.aspx?id=48208&terms=candidate%20packets%20for%20school%20board. Considering online availability, it appears that the commission would be unable to know if any interested candidates have downloaded packets. It could be that until the filing dates, the entire field of serious candidates will be unknown.

Petition packets also are available for pick-up at 421 N. County Farm Road near the DuPage County Court House in Wheaton. For more information, call (630) 407-5600.

PREVIOUS POSTS saved in the PN Archive.

RELATED POSTS regarding Senate Bill 16. Residents also are urged to get to know Senate Bill 16, how the bill could impact School Districts 203 and 204 and why a good knowledge of finances will be important for every school board candidate. Pay attention. Ask questions.  Express your opinion to Springfield regarding the proposed funding formula ASAP. A hearing is scheduled at 3PM Tues., Nov. 18, in Springfield.

Candidates for Naperville Park District Board of Commissioners file Dec. 15-22

Petition packets for the 2015 Naperville Park District Board of Park Commissioners election have been available for pickup by interested Park Board candidates since September 23, 2014. Packets may be picked up from 8:30AM -5PM, Monday through Friday at the Park District Administration Building at 320 W. Jackson Ave. at the desk of Jacki Stern, Executive Administrative Assistant/Local Election Official.

Three positions will be up for election on April 7, 2015; newly elected commissioners will serve four-year terms.

Individuals who wish to run for a seat on the Board must be at least 18 years of age and a Naperville Park District resident for at least one year prior to the election.

Following the same timeline as candidates for the local school districts, petitions must be filed between Dec. 15 and Dec. 22, 2014.  Terms are four years.

PREVIOUS POST saved in the PN Archive.

Naperville Park District will review budget Nov. 17

A draft of the Naperville Park District’s proposed 2015 Budget is available for public review online at http://www.napervilleparks.org/cafrbudgettreasurersreport.

The Naperville Park District Board of Commissioners will discuss the proposed budget beginning at 5PM during its Mon., Nov. 17, 2014 meeting.

Following a regular board meeting at 7PM Thurs., Dec. 11, commissioners will hold a special meeting at 6PM on Mon., Dec. 15, to vote on the adoption of the 2015 Budget and appropriation ordinance.

The budget meetings will be held  in the lunchroom at the South Maintenance Facility, located at 3415 Book Road. Residents asked to use the entrance marked with the address. The facility’s main phone number is (630) 864-3100.

The Park District’s annual budget is based on organizational and departmental initiatives guided by the District’s Strategic Plan and Master Plan. The 2014-2016 Strategic Plan was approved by the Park Board in 2013 and can be viewed on the District’s website athttp://www.napervilleparks.org/strategic-plans. The Master Plan can be found at http://www.napervilleparks.org/master-plans.

The Naperville Park District Activity Center is one of two major capital projects for 2015.

The two major capital projects planned for 2015 include the construction of the Activity Center at Quincy Avenue and Fort Hill Drive and the completion of the Sportsman’s Park site remediation and park improvements. Other District initiatives planned for 2015 are to secure new recreation program registration software, evaluate indoor space needs, maintain the viability and relevance of the District’s golf courses, and solicit customer service feedback.

Though the Park District Administration Building is located at 320 W. Jackson Ave., regular board meetings alternate from Council Chambers in the Naperville Municipal Building to the South Maintenance Facility.

To keep tabs on things happening, visit LATEST NEWS, CITY STUFF, BUSINESS and SCHOOLS, and other categories featured online at Positively Naperville.


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PN Editor
PN Editor
An editor is someone who prepares content for publishing. It entered English, the American Language, via French. Its modern sense for newspapers has been around since about 1800.