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Thursday, February 13, 2025

Faithful Reflections – Autumn get-aways


atkinsSometimes you just have to get away. It is good for the soul.

The past several weeks the news from around the world has been complex and difficult to hear. The Ebola virus continues its rampage in West African nations and thousands have died. Radical Islamist groups, rejected by mainstream. Muslim leaders around the world, are terrorizing whole nations of people. The conflict in the Ukraine, which brought down a passenger jet earlier this year, remains a flash point between NATO nations and Russia.

Even here in the United States, the demonstrations following a police shooting of a teenager in Ferguson, Missouri, have led to a national discussion of race and of police tactics.

The list goes on and on and does not show any sign of letting up.

Our lives are thrown about, sometimes from within, more often because of events well beyond our control. What to do? A dear pastor friend of mine offers this tongue-in-cheek wisdom: “Why pray when you can worry?”

Prayer is that time away. In this season of change, this fall, it is good to get away and see the golden leaves of the soybean fields, the drying corn on the stalk, the preparations for harvest. But you don’t have to go that far.

The grasses of the Springbrook Prairie are turning colors and stiffening to the breeze. The trees along the parkways of Naperville are showing the vibrant color of autumn. It is a good time to stop and ponder, to lay aside the worry and open your heart to prayer.

It is good to get away. It restores the soul.

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Bob Atkins
Bob Atkinshttp://peopleofgrace.org
Bob Atkins is pastor at Grace United Methodist Church, 300 E. Gartner Rd. Contact Bob via email at pastorbob@peopleofgrace.org.