In recent weeks, yellow signs were planted throughout the community as a reminder of the 22nd Annual Letter Carriers Food Drive, “Stamp Out Hunger,” on the second Saturday in May. Many years ago May was selected for the annual food collection because that’s when the shelves at many food banks begin to become empty.
This week in Naperville, large brown grocery bags arrived in the mail with instructions. Simply fill the bag with nonperishable items and place by the mailbox for a letter carrier to pick up. The items then will be sorted and delivered to a local food bank or pantry.
According to the National Association of Letter Carriers, in 2013 the largest single food collection initiative in the U.S. brought in 74.4 million pounds of nonperishable items across the nation.
Suggested items are pasta, rice, and cereal; canned meats, fish, soup, juice and vegetables; as well a peanut butter and jelly in plastic containers. Do not include items in glass containers or ones with expired dates.
Bring hope to folks in need
Leave the bag of nonperishable food items by your mailbox before your usual mail delivery time on Sat., May 10.
Food items collected in Naperville will go to Loaves & Fishes Community Pantry for distribution from its facility located at 1871 High Grove Lane.
For more information about Loaves & Fishes, call (630) 355-3663 or visit www.loaves-fishes.org.