Goats to depart on Thursday, October 17
Kim H unter’s Green Goats, the Naperville Park District’s newest and most unusual workers, cleared five acres of invasive shrubs at Knoch Knolls Park within the first two weeks of their stay, moved across the river for more munching, and are heading home on Thursday, October 17, approximately one week ahead of schedule.

The goats arrived September 24 from Wisconsin for a four-week assignment to clear a five-acre site for the disc golf course expansion planned for next spring, in conjunction with the construction of the Knoch Knolls Nature Center.
“The goats have eaten every green leaf within reach, and even the bark of some of the trees,” said Park Specialist Tom Lynch, who tends the goats twice daily with co-worker Jessie Barr. “They have done a fantastic job clearing the area, which will allow us to remove the remaining stumps and branches. We also hope to be able to conduct a prescribed burn later this fall,” he said.
Park Staff moved the goats to a new location on the south side of the river, where there are more invasive plants to keep them busy and well fed. The attached shows the new location of the goats and is posted on the Park District’s website at http://www.napervilleparks.org/docs/KKGoatGrazing2.pdf.

Park visitors enjoyed watching the goats, with some stopping by daily to check on their progress. Those wanting to see the goats before their departure are reminded not to touch the electric fence or the goats. The goats may have poison ivy on their fur and although it does not bother them, it can easily be transmitted to humans who touch them.
For more information about the Knoch Knolls Nature Center or about the Naperville Park District and its facilities and programs, please visit www.napervilleparks.org.