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Monday, May 6, 2024

Mo & Mike on the Move – Mike’s birthday


It’s my favorite time of the year – fall.

KrolsMike loves it because his birthday is in September. Mike likes to celebrate his “birthday week.”

He tried to stretch it to a birthday month, but I fought it tooth and nail.

Why is it that men like to stretch a birthday out over a number of days and women want the specific day to fade away as quickly as possible?

Anyway, we did celebrate in great fashion. We first went down to Murphysboro, Ill., to the 17th Street Bar and Grill. This place has won national BBQ championships. I will have to say, the barbecue ribs were spectacular. (No, Mike, you cannot get a smoker.) One disappointing note was we went to play golf at the state park at Shelbyville and found out the resort there had been closed for four years. Sad. The golf course was open, but unfortunately was cart path only, so we didn’t last long. Hopefully, our state will fix this sometime soon.

When we came back, we went to the North Central College prebarbecue at the President’s home and then to the first football game. Perfect weather, perfect day.

The next day we went down to Chicago to the Cubs game — one strength in our marriage is that we are both Cubs fans. We always go with my beautiful and talented niece, Maggie, and her awesome boyfriend, Ben. The tickets were perfect — first row behind the Cubs dugout. Mike and I particularly enjoyed the kid next to us with his glove. It’s so great to see a game through a kid’s eye.

And then we did something totally different. We went down to be audience members at Windy City Live. We didn’t realize how small the TV studio was—and it was fun. We like the TV show and that day was special because Tom Dressen was there. Mike and Tom graduated from the same high school — Thornton.

I think we are done with Mike’s birthday. I hope you agree!

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Maureen and Mike Krol
Maureen and Mike Krol
Maureen and Mike Krol can be contacted at mmkrol@sbcglobal.net.


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