City staff will present its final recommendations for the Zone 11 Neighborhood Traffic Study to the Transportation Advisory Board (TAB) at its regular meeting taking place at 8AM on Sat., Oct. 5 in Council Chambers at the Naperville Municipal Center, 400 S. Eagle St.
The public is invited to attend and provide comments regarding the final recommendations that are a result of a study that was conducted by consultants earlier this year for Zone 11 of the City’s Neighborhood Traffic Study Program. Zone 11 is bounded by Edward Hospital on the north, Washington Street on the east, 75th Street on the south and West Street on the west and includes the subdivisions of Olympic Terrace, West Highlands, Hobson West and Maplebrook I.
The agenda and packet for the October 5 TAB meeting are available to view at For those who would like to provide comments but are unable to attend the meeting, they can submit written comments to Kim Schmidt by emailing or by faxing them to (630) 305-5986. Comments can also be mailed to Kim Schmidt, City of Naperville, 400 S. Eagle St., Naperville, IL 60540. Comments will be accepted until 5PM on Fri., Oct. 4.
Public open houses were held for Zone 11 in March and June for City staff and their consultants to gather public input and share the preliminary recommendations. City staff presented recommendations to TAB in August and have since conducted additional analysis to respond to questions from the public and finalize the recommendations. The study is part of a new Neighborhood Traffic Study Program, which will address traffic conditions within identified neighborhoods in the City in a comprehensive manner rather than on an individual request basis as has been done in the past.
Every year, the City receives numerous resident requests to investigate traffic issues such as speeding, cut-through traffic, pedestrian safety and parking concerns. Through the Neighborhood Traffic Study Program, the City will evaluate and address neighborhood traffic concerns programmatically on a comprehensive neighborhood-wide basis. Using the City’s Master Thoroughfare Plan map, the City has identified 33 neighborhood study areas and anticipates completing one to three studies a year until all the study areas are completed. A map of the study areas and more information on the Neighborhood Traffic Study Program can be found at