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Saturday, February 8, 2025

Temporary parking changes will occur on Jefferson & Jackson avenues


city of naperville squareOn Tuesday, September 24, pending weather and unforeseen circumstances, the City of Naperville will temporarily remove on-street parking on Jefferson and Jackson avenues in downtown Naperville to accommodate truck deliveries for downtown businesses.

This measure is necessary to create a safe delivery zone for trucks that will not have access to the alley that connects Main and Washington streets in between Jefferson and Jackson avenues due to the Washington Street Resurfacing Project.

On-street parking will be temporarily removed daily from 2AM to 5PM on the south side of Jefferson Avenue and on the north side of Jackson Avenue between Main and Washington streets. The temporary parking removal is anticipated to be in effect for up to three days, pending weather and unforeseen circumstances. Parking closures will be indicated by signage and truck deliveries only will be directed to use the area for temporary loading and unloading for area businesses.

On-street parking will be reopened every day at 5PM. For a map of the area, visit www.naperville.il.us/washresurfacing.aspx.

The alley that connects Main and Washington streets located in between Jefferson and Jackson avenues is being closed for the three-day period to accommodate driveway and sidewalk repair that is taking place along Washington Street as part of the Washington Street Resurfacing Project. The resurfacing project includes the resurfacing and re-striping of Washington Street between Osler Drive and School Street as well as improvements to deteriorated curbs and sidewalks for the benefit of pedestrians.

Parking is also being temporarily removed from Washington Street for the duration of the project to create a safe working zone and to increase north-south traffic flow. The Washington Resurfacing Project began September 9 and is expected to be complete in mid-October.

All construction is weather dependent; notice of schedule changes as well as more information will be posted to the City’s website.  For more information on the City of Naperville, visit www.naperville.il.us.

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City of Naperville
City of Napervillehttp://www.naperville.il.us.
About Naperville: Located 28 miles west of Chicago, Naperville, Ill., is home to approximately 145,000 people. This vibrant, thriving City consistently ranks as a top community in the nation in which to live, raise children and retire. The City is home to acclaimed public and parochial schools, the best public library system in the country, an array of healthcare options and an exceptionally low crime rate. Naperville has ready access to a variety of public transportation, housing and employment options. The City’s diversified employer base features high technology firms, retailers and factories, as well as small and home-based businesses. Residents also enjoy world-class parks, diverse worship options, the opportunity to serve on several City boards and commissions, a thriving downtown shopping and dining area, a renowned outdoor history museum known as Naper Settlement and an active civic community. For more information, please visit our website at www.naperville.il.us.