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Tuesday, February 11, 2025

A Naperville Gardener – It’s time to plan and plant for spring


Fall is my favorite time to garden. The weather tends to be cooler and the soil is still warm enough to give newly planted bulbs time to develop their root systems. Once spring arrives, just sit back and enjoy the show!

Violett_tulipsMost spring bulbs, such as tulips and daffodils, are planted in the fall because they need several weeks of cold weather in order to flower in the spring. When my family in Arizona tells me in our cold, dreary months how beautiful it is there, I pull out my latest garden plan and remind myself to take pictures in the spring to tell them what they are missing!

To prolong the show, I like to plant different varieties of the same color and type of bulb in the same area. One of my favorite combinations is an assortment of pink and green tulips. Plant together tulips such as China Town, Greenland, Green Wave and Virichic. Or choose an assortment of tulips in your favorite color. You will be amazed how much longer the spring show will last and you will have the splash of color you desire.

I used to be more of a purist, planting only one type of bulb, and then would be disappointed when two weeks later, the show was over. I have learned much over the years as a member of the Naperville Garden Club.

Daffodils can be planted in the same way, but keep in mind that they like to face south, unlike tulips that have no “bad side.” So if you want to line the walk to your front door and the walk meanders east to west, plant the bulbs on the north side of the walk.

Rabbits will eat tulips, but usually not daffodils, allium, anemones, muscari (blue grape hyacinths). If you can work some of the latter into your tulip planting, the rabbits are inclined to go where it’s easier to dine. Also, I plant muscari, which is a small bulb that comes in shades of blue/purple, white and pink, on top of newly planted tulips and daffodils. They will bloom in the spring, but more importantly will send up green shoots in the fall to remind you where you planted bulbs the previous fall.

Fall is a great time to improve and add to your garden.

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Marilyn Krueger
Marilyn Kruegerhttp://www.napervillegardenclub.org
Marilyn Krueger is an avid local gardener and member of the Naperville Garden Club.