UPDATE / Oct. 20: Hundreds of soup-cup toting patrons were stirring in the hallway and the cafeteria at Naperville Central High School for the 6th Annual Soup’s On Rotary in support of Hesed House, DuPagePads, Loaves & Fishes Community Pantry and Rotary Charities. The new location welcomed loads of lively camaraderie while servers scooped ladles of soups and stews for folks who came to taste the samples provided by more than 25 local eateries.

The patio just outside the doors to cafeteria was set with tables and chairs, too, so folks could watch the Chicago Bears vs. the Washington Redskins on the big screen. By the end of the game, the Redskins were victorious, 45-41.

Soup’s On is set to go!
The Rotary Club of Naperville’s sixth annual Soup’s On! fundraiser will be held 11:30AM to 4:30PM Sun., Oct. 20, at Naperville Central High School. Attendees will have the chance to sample food from more than 20 area restaurants.

The popular eating establishments and food vendors featured at Soup’s On! will be serving everything from beef tenderloin and pulled pork sandwiches, artisan breads, and a selection of gourmet cheeses to a wide variety of soup, chili, gumbo, and delectable desserts. This family event will also offer a children’s food and beverage menu.
The Club will donate funds raised to four local nonprofits – DuPagePads, Hesed House, Loaves & Fishes Community Pantry and The Rotary Club of Naperville Charities. In the past five years, the Club has raised more than $550,000 for Loaves & Fishes, Hesed House and DuPagePads. This is the first year the event is also raising funds for the Rotary Club of Naperville Charities.
“We started Soup’s On! in 2008 when a severe economic crisis was affecting families,” said Liz Zienty, president of the Rotary Club of Naperville. “The three agencies were being hit hard with state budget cuts and an influx of families in need of help. Providing funds to DuPagePads, Hesed House, and Loaves & Fishes has been an important goal of our club for the past five years.”
Musical entertainment will be provided throughout the event with high school musical ensembles from School Districts 203 and 204. The DuPage Children’s Museum will offer a special activity area for youngsters. Football fans will be able to watch games in the Bears Lounge on the outdoor terrace near the high school football field.
Sponsorships and a silent auction are important facets of the fundraiser. According to Adam Parks, sponsorship chair for this year’s event, “Our sponsorship goal this year is $80,000. We have lost a few bigger sponsors due to fiscal tightening all around, but fortunately our past sponsors have really stepped up this year and in many cases have increased their support. I knew it was going to be a difficult goal to hit, but, luckily, with the kindness and generosity of the sponsors in the community, it looks like we’re going to make it happen.”
“Soup’s On! really fits with Rotary’s International theme this year – Engage Rotary. Change Lives,” said Zienty. “We like to think of this as a three-generation event . . . Parents, children and grandparents can go to church together Sunday morning and then come to Soup’s On! to enjoy lunch and entertainment together. It is such a meaningful way to spend a Sunday with family.”
Tickets are $45 for adults and $10 for children ages 6-12. Children 5 and under are free. Tickets for seniors (65+) and the military are $35, and early bird sales are $40 for adults if purchased by September 21.
For more information and to learn about sponsorship opportunities, visit www.soupsonrotary.com.
RELATED POST: Daily Herald Sept. 16, 2013