29.2 F
Saturday, February 8, 2025

Things to do around Naperville this weekend



Big Pushups for Little Friends / 6PM / Big Push-Ups for Little Friends is a 24-hour push-up fundraising challenge sponsored by Midwest Fit Club, 5019 Ace Lane, (MFC) benefiting Little Friends of Naperville, a non-profit organization serving children and adults with autism and other developmental disabilities. For every push-up completed, Midwest Fit Club will donate $0.05 to Little Friends up to $2,500. For more info, visit midwestfitclub.com.

Live Music at CityGate Grille / 8PM / Jive away Friday night with live music at CityGate Grille. Stephen Lynerd will perform jazz. CityGate Grille is located in the Calamos Investments building at CityGate Centre, I88 and Rt. 59. For dinner reservations call (630) 718-1010 or visit www.citygategrille.com.


Naperville Farmer’s Market / 7AM – noon / Through October 26, the Naperville Farmer’s Market Association will hold its farmer’s market every Saturday from 7AM to noon at the Fifth Avenue Station parking lot. For more information, call (630) 369-5638.

Premier League Opening Weekend at Quigley’s Irish Pub / Arsenal vs. Aston Villa, 9AM; Swansea vs. Man United, 11:30AM / Enjoy brunch at Quigley’s Irish Pub as the Premier League kicks off the season.  Pints may be served to patrons ordering food.  Quigley’s is located at 43 E. Jefferson in downtown Naperville.

Casey’s Fires up the Grill / 10AM – 2PM / Casey’s Foods fires up its grill every Saturday and Sunday through October at Naperville Plaza, Gartner and Washington. Purchase reliable stand-bys — burgers, brats, steak and chicken tacos, etc. — and enjoy grilled specials every weekend throughout the summer and fall. Picnic tables provide seating under cover, too.

garden_showNaperville Community Gardeners Annual Flower & Garden Show / 7AM – 3PM / Is there something in your garden this year, floral and/or edible, that looks so good you know it could win a prize? Then come show your stuff at the Naperville Community Gardeners 2013 Flower & Garden Show at the Barn, 421 West Martin Ave. Bring your best gardening efforts, as many kinds as you like, to set out for professional judging and exhibit between 7 and 10AM, free and open to all. See the NCG website for more info and show guide. Post-judging viewing of show from 1:30-3PM. For more info, visit napervillecommunitygardeners.org/annual_show.htm.


Casey’s Fires up the Grill / 11AM – 2PM / Casey’s Foods fires up its grill every Saturday and Sunday through October at Naperville Plaza, Gartner and Washington. Purchase reliable stand-bys — burgers, brats, steak and chicken tacos, etc. — and enjoy grilled specials every weekend throughout the summer and fall. Picnic tables provide seating under cover, too.

It’s a sunny Sunday for plenty of things to do in downtown Naperville!

Downtown Naperville / Noon-3PM / For starters, stop at Main & Jefferson, corner in front of Two Bostons. to pick up a FREE coupon (while supplies last) to receive a FREE ice cream cone from either Cookie Dough Creations, Naper Nuts & Sweets, Haagen-Dazs, or Coldstone Creamery. It’s valid from 12noon – 3PM. Select the ice cream of your choice while supplies last, one per person. Dog ice cream also will be provided for 4-legged friends compliments of Two Boston’s Pet Boutique.

Plus, when you check-in, sign up your school! The school with the most check-ins will win prizes for their school.

Memories, too! Be there or be square! Just remember! Square ice cream dips went out when Cock Robin Ice Cream closed in 2000. But Cock Robin ”Be One in a Million” t-shirts are still available.

Settlement Sunday / 1-4PM /  It’s another Settlement Sunday at Naper Settlement! Admission is free for Naperville residents. Plus, you’ll find a cool place to make history while you create your very own ice cream sundae. (The final Settlement Sunday of the season is Aug. 25.) Regular admission is $12 adult, $10 senior (62+), $8 youth (4-12). Naperville residents and members are free. Call (630) 420-6010 or visit www.napersettlement.com.

Rockin’ on the Carillon / 3:30-5:30PM / What’s more, the first-ever Rock ‘n Roll Concert on the 72-bell Millennium Carillon this afternoon! The Naperville Park District invites the community to the unique new event from 3:30-5:30PM at the Moser Tower along the Riverwalk at Rotary Hill!

And just think, admission is free to all!

Squeeze it all in between brunch & dinner in downtown Naperville!

Auditions for Nightfall with Edgar Allan Poe / 6 – 8PM /Auditions for Nightfall with Edgar Allan Poe will take place at Center Stage Theater 1665 Quincy Ave. Four Poe tales adapted to theatre include: “The Raven,” “The Fall of the House of Usher,” ”The Tell Tale Heart.”

Audition & Callback Info:
6PM – 8PM August 18
7PM – 8:30PM August 19
Callback: August 19 8:30 – 10:00PM at Center Stage Theatre, 1665 Quincy Ave.
Performances are Oct 17-20.
Individuals auditioning should prepare two 90 second serious monologues. Email Colorboxtheatre@gmail.com to schedule audition. Subject line should state: Nightfall Audition.


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PN Ombudsman
PN Ombudsman
An ombudsman is Scandinavian in origin dating back to Viking times; and refers to a community representative; usually acting independently on behalf of an organization, body of elected officials, or civic group. Thanks Scandinavia for inventing ombudsman.