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Tuesday, February 11, 2025

August Positively Briefs


Can you bake an apple pie? Apple pie? Apple Pie!

Mary Ann & paul Junkroski took PN with them to the Eifel Tower last month. Viva la France!
Mary Ann & Paul Junkroski took PN with them to the Eiffel Tower last month. Viva la France!

Though Billy Boy was asked, “Can she make a cherry pie?” back in the day of the children’s folk song written 100 years ago, judges are teaming up to select the best apple pie, traditional or trend-setting, during the Hometown Picnic at the city’s outdoor history museum on August 10.

Bakers are asked to find their favorite homemade apple pie recipe to enter Naper Settlement’s apple pie contest on Sat., Aug. 10. Pies will be judged during the Hometown Picnic, which will be held from noon to 4PM on that day. All bakers must pre-register by August 7 by phone at (630) 305-5252. The Hometown Picnic also will include games, music and more.

Guest judges include Naperville Mayor A. George Pradel; Dan Casey, owner of Casey’s Foods; Neda Darwish, owner of Sugar Monkey Cupcakes; and Stephanie Penick, Daily Herald columnist and PN publisher.

For more information about the Hometown Picnic or registering for the pie-baking contest, visit www.napersettlement.museum. For any further questions about Naper Settlement, call (630 420-6010.

Humane Society welcomes new Development Director

The Naperville Area Humane Society announced last month Ellie Stefanic as the organization’s new Development Director.

As Development Director, Stefanic brings a wealth of knowledge about event management and volunteer coordination, as well as individual and corporate giving. Her experience in cultivating relationships and building strong foundations will assist NAHS in bringing the organization closer to its long-term goals.

Naperville Area Humane Society is a private, not for profit organization founded in 1979 to promote the humane treatment of companion animals and create lasting human animal bonds. For more info, call (630) 420-8989 or visit www.NapervilleAreaHumaneSociety.org.

DuPagePads Run 4 Home set for Sept. 7

DuPagePads is calling all walkers and runners, individuals and families to the 9th Annual Run 4 Home on Sat., Sept. 7, 2013 at 8AM, beginning at 703 W. Liberty in Wheaton. The new 10K and 5K CARA approved course will appeal to serious runners, casual joggers and walkers.

For more info, call (630) 682-3846 or visit www.dupagepads.org.

German language church service

Church services in the German language will be held at St. John United Church of Christ, 1190 Olesen Drive in Naperville, at 11:30AM on Sun., Aug. 4.

The services will be led by the Reverend Egon Gerdes, and all are welcome to attend. Services are held on the first Sunday of each month and will continue on September 1 and October 6.

For more information, call (630) 355-5208.

Visit Veterans, play Bingo

Every month from September to June on the second Tuesday, a motorcoach departs at 6:30PM from the Judd Kendall, VFW Post 3873, 908 W. Jackson Ave. with folks eager to spread good cheer to veterans receiving treatment at Hines VA Hospital in Maywood.

The public is welcome to help fill the motorcoach again on Tues., Sept. 10.

For more information about visiting Hines V.A. Hospital, call organizer John Shaw at (630) 961-3479, Mike Barbour at (630) 240-1645 or Jan Barbour at (630) 247-9007.

Serendipity Shop seeks donations year-round

The Serendipity Resale Shop is a volunteer-run shop, located at 12 W. Jefferson Ave. in downtown Naperville.

Donations of clean, gently-used men’s, women’s and children’s clothing of all sizes are welcome. Donors are asked not to include items that are stained or torn. The resale shop is in need of linens and home decorating items, such as lamps, dishes and clocks as well as household items, jewelry and collectibles.

Donations may be dropped off anytime during regular hours. For information, call Serendipity at (630) 357-3610.

ESLP offers free GED and career training

The Early School Leaver Program (ESLP) is a unique program offering free GED preparation, workplace skill-building, and specific career training for DuPage residents aged 17-21. The Early School Leaver program is funded by the Workforce Development Division of DuPage County (Workforce Investment Act). For more information or to register, call (630) 691-7577.

Naperville Bank & Trust named presenting sponsor of the Riverwalk Fine Art Fair

The Naperville Art League is pleased to announce that Naperville Bank & Trust will once again return as the presenting sponsor of the 28th Annual Riverwalk Fine Art Fair. This year’s event will be held on Sat. and Sun., Sept. 14 and 15 from 10AM-5PM.

For more info, visit www.napervilleartleague.com and click on the link for the Riverwalk Fine Art Fair.

Main Street duct bank project is now in progress in downtown Naperville

main-street-web-_DSC0218Main Street between Van Buren and Benton avenues is anticipated to be closed from now through mid-August for duct bank installation work. Motorists traveling through that portion of downtown Naperville are advised to be cautious of construction occurring in the area and allow extra time to reach their destination.

The Van Buren Parking Garage remains open.

In addition, the sidewalk along Main Street Promenade is open for pedestrians to enter the life-style and business center from Main Street, accessible from Van Buren and Benton avenues.

This work is being done to increase electric reliability and prepare for the needs of future development in the area. Motorists are encouraged to follow detours that are now posted.

Work will occur between 7AM to 4PM, and the public should expect noise and dust in the area. The road is expected to reopen by mid-August, pending weather and unforeseen circumstances.

Additional temporary lane closures on Van Buren Avenue at the beginning and end of the project will occur; flaggers will be on site during those times to assist motorists in maneuvering around the area.

For more information, visit www.naperville.il.us/mainstreetductbank.aspx.

For more information about shops and business centers in Main Street Promenade, visit www.mainstreetpromenade.com.


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PN Ombudsman
PN Ombudsman
An ombudsman is Scandinavian in origin dating back to Viking times; and refers to a community representative; usually acting independently on behalf of an organization, body of elected officials, or civic group. Thanks Scandinavia for inventing ombudsman.