25.1 F
Tuesday, February 11, 2025

11 full years of Positively Naperville!


new-pn-web-logoPN is one of many publications that provides a voice for Naperville residents. As we wrap up the year, reading to mark our 12th birthday in September, we again have added a little bark to our bite to amuse you as we pass the dog days of summer.

A year ago, we began diligently digitalizing our website. If you haven’t visited www.positivelynaperville.com during the past year, you’ve missed an innovative creation by our web editor that is attracting more “unique visitors” every day. What we’re unable to feature on the printed page is posted online in time in between issues.

Thanks to some recent inquiries, our plan in September is to provide online a more comprehensive guide to locate the multitude of information on the website. For instance, for 12 years we have kept “Greetings to PN” very brief. With the new online feature, signed “Letters to the Editor” will be an added to give readers an opportunity to express their intelligent opinions and ideas.

At the same time, we continue to remind readers that the printed page has great value for perpetuity. We plan to be here for a long time.

The lazy days of summer can be a time when citizens are less likely to pay attention to the agendas of local government bodies. Every public meeting is a time for watch dogs, dog days or not. If you can’t attend the meetings, be mindful that our local governing bodies as well as school districts have archives on line that permit citizens to watch meetings at their convenience. We appreciate the transparency these options provide.

Dog Days lead to school days … District 203 schools begin Wed., Aug. 21. And School District 204 schools begin Thurs., Aug. 22.

Thanks to PN readers who have sent dog photos and other photos from personal travels. We love catching folks reading PN. In fact, in looking through the files of the last 12 years, we discovered more than 250 photos of PN readers agog at the news in this publication. We had particular fun this month including more people reading PN than usual. It likely won’t happen again.

When Last Fling begins, PN will celebrate its 12th birthday, mindful that the publication was launched 11 days before Sept. 11, 2001. Our organic growth is the result of our advertising sponsors and nearly 50 contributing columnists through the years who have been committed to telling the story of this remarkable city.

As always, thanks for reading, shopping, dining, banking, entertaining and supporting the local economy whenever possible.

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PN Editor
PN Editor
An editor is someone who prepares content for publishing. It entered English, the American Language, via French. Its modern sense for newspapers has been around since about 1800.