The Naperville Police Department joined forces with state and local law enforcement agencies over the Fourth of July weekend to conduct a crackdown campaign on area roadways.
Naperville welcomes thousands of visitors from surrounding communities during this weekend each year for the Exchange Club’s Ribfest. The crackdown campaign featured high-visibility enforcement combined with a variety of outreach activities including a media campaign and additional police activity.
“The Naperville Police Department made 16 drunk-driving arrests and issued a total of 90 citations , six of them being seat belt citations, during the recent July 4 Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over/Click It or Ticket crackdown on drunk drivers and seat belt law violators,” said Traffic Unit Sergeant Al Trotsky.
Law enforcement agencies throughout Illinois participated in this statewide effort to get drunk drivers off our roadways and encourage seat belt use, especially during late-night hours.
Extra emphasis was given to the late-night hours when statistics show the highest number of motorists drink and drive and the fewest buckle up.
The recent law enforcement crackdown was funded by federal traffic safety funds through IDOT’s Division of Traffic Safety and is part of the statewide Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over and Click It or Ticket campaigns.