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Thursday, February 6, 2025

July Positively Briefs


Carillon Tours available on weekends from May through November

carillon-web-DSC_5457The Millennium Carillon in Moser Tower and the Visitor Center opened for the 2013 season on May 4. Visitors can climb the 253 steps to the top of the 160-foot tower and enjoy a spectacular view while learning about the workings of the Carillon, its history, and its unique features.

Hours of operation are from 10AM and 4PM on Saturdays and from noon to 6PM on Sundays, with Friday hours (10AM to 4PM) through August 16. Millennium Carillon in Moser Tower and Visitor Center is located at 443 Aurora Ave.

AAUW select 2013 Woman of the Year

The Naperville Area Branch of AAUW (American Association of University Women) recently named Dolly McCarthy as its 2013 Woman of the Year. McCarthy is an anchor for the Tribune Company’s CLTV News and a reporter for WGN News. Previously, the Naperville resident worked for six years as the solo anchor for NCTV17’s popular and award-winning news program, Naperville News 17.

McCarthy’s active involvement in many charitable causes and social service organizations—including DuPagePads, Blessings in a Backpack, Operation Support Our Troops America, the West Suburban Irish, Community Career Center, and Naper Settlement—combined with of her professional achievements made her an ideal recipient of the Woman of the Year award.

Local hair salon wins ‘Talk of the Town’

For the third consecutive year, Salon 625, has received the “Talk of the Town” Excellence in Customer Satisfaction Award. Salon 625 has been in business for more than 19 years, located at 625 S. Washington St. in Naperville.

WVHS junior to study French horn at Boston University summer music program

This summer, the Boston University Tanglewood Institute (BUTI), a summer music program in Lenox, Massachusetts, will welcome Waubonsie Valley High School junior, Jack McCammon, to campus. McCammon has studied French horn for six years. A junior at Waubonsie Valley High School and a Naperville native, Jack is the son of Dave and Lynn McCammon.

second_city_webSecond City Web Design celebrates third anniversary

Second City Web Design, Inc., based in Naperville, will be celebrating their third anniversary this July by supporting fellow independents. Second City will purchase a $75 gift card, from a predetermined list of local and independent businesses, to give anyone or business that purchases a new website in the month of July.

The digital firm offers websites, hosting, search engine optimization and digital services focused on local, independent businesses.

For more info, visit www.secondcitywebdesign.com, email info@secondcitywebdesign.com or call (630) 536-8983.

German language church service

Church services in the German language will be held at St. John United Church of Christ in Naperville at 11:30AM on Sun., July 7. This month’s service will be led by Prof. Dr. Klaus-Peter Adam.

St. John UCC is located at 1190 Olesen Drive. Services in the German language are held on the first Sunday of each month and will continue on August 4 and September 1.

For more information, call (630) 355-5208.

ESLP offers free GED and career training

The Early School Leaver Program (ESLP) is a unique program offering free GED preparation, workplace skill-building, and specific career training for DuPage residents aged 17-21. The Early School Leaver program is funded by the Workforce Development Division of DuPage County (Workforce Investment Act). For more information or to register, call (630) 691-7577.

Linden Oaks’ Camp Success an opportunity for adolescents to gain self-confidence

Linden Oaks at Edward is offering Camp Success for children ages 11-18 to learn skills to cope with bullying, anxiety, low self-esteem and depression. The camp will be led by mental health professionals and licensed therapists

Camp Success will be held from 10AM-4PM Monday through Friday, July 22–August 2, at the Linden Oaks Outpatient Center, 1335 North Mill Street in Naperville.

Participants will learn social skills, how to build relationships and express emotions through art, music, sports, team building, a scavenger hunt and off-site activities.

The cost of the camp is $450 (lunch is not included). For more information and to register, call (630) 527-6363.

Visit Veterans, play Bingo

Every month from September to June on the second Tuesday, a motorcoach departs at 6:30PM from the Judd Kendall, VFW Post 3873, 908 W. Jackson Ave. with folks eager to spread good cheer to veterans receiving treatment at Hines VA Hospital in Maywood.

The public is welcome to help fill the motorcoach again on Tues., Sept. 10.

For more information about visiting Hines V.A. Hospital, call organizer John Shaw at (630) 961-3479, Mike Barbour at (630) 240-1645 or Jan Barbour at (630) 247-9007.

Exchange Club and members take honors

During the 87th Lincolnland District Convention held in June, Exchange Club of Naperville members Dawn Portner and Lorrie Brenneman received distinct honors. Portner won the Lincolnland All American Award and Brenneman was recognized with the Lincolnland Distinguished Service Award. The Exchange Club of Naperville also was honored with the highest percentage of membership as well as winning the coveted Convention Spirit Award.

New hotline for women veterans

A new hotline has been designed to help women veterans navigate the various programs that the VA offers. Mike Barbour, Veterans and Senior Advocate at Naperville Township encourages residents to pass this information along to any veterans that could benefit.

The phone number is (855) 829-6636. Call for a response to questions from women veterans, families and caregivers about many VA services and resources available to women veterans.

Women make up nearly 15 percent of today’s active duty military and 18 percent of Guard and Reserve forces. Yet even though the number of women using VA healthcare has doubled over the past decade to more than 350,000, women still only account for 6 percent of the total number of veterans seeking VA healthcare.

“Many women who served don’t self-identify as veterans and therefore don’t think they qualify for VA benefits,” said Irene Trowell-Harris, director of VA’s Center for Women Veterans. “We need to correct existing misinformation and misperceptions so we can serve more women veterans with the benefits they’ve earned.”

For more info, visit www.eBenefits.va.gov and MyHealtheVet.va.gov.

McGruff the Crime DogNaperville Crime Stoppers Running Scared 5K to return this October

The Naperville Crime Stoppers will be taking a bite out of crime at 8AM Sat., Oct. 26, with the return of the Running Scared 5K. The run and walk will start at St. Elizabeth Seton Church.

Costumes are encouraged and McGruff the Crime Dog will be on hand to cheer on runners. For info and updates visit www.crimestoppersrunningscared.com.

Serendipity Shop seeks donations year-round

The Serendipity Resale Shop is a volunteer-run shop, located at 12 W. Jefferson Ave. in downtown Naperville.

Donations of clean, gently-used men’s, women’s and children’s clothing of all sizes are welcome. Donors are asked not to include items that are stained or torn. The resale shop is in need of linens and home decorating items, such as lamps, dishes and clocks as well as household items, jewelry and collectibles.

Donations may be dropped off anytime during regular hours. For information, call Serendipity at (630) 357-3610.

Edward Hospital accepting new volunteers

Edward Hospital is accepting applications to fill adult volunteer positions in a variety of departments within the hospital.

Edward has more than 800 volunteers in 80 departments who provide more than 100,000 hours of service each year.

All volunteer positions require a minimum six-month commitment. New volunteers must attend a short orientation session and undergo mandatory tuberculosis screening.

To apply, visit www.edward.org/volunteer and fill out an online application or call the Volunteer Office at (630) 527-3189.

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PN Ombudsman
PN Ombudsman
An ombudsman is Scandinavian in origin dating back to Viking times; and refers to a community representative; usually acting independently on behalf of an organization, body of elected officials, or civic group. Thanks Scandinavia for inventing ombudsman.