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Tuesday, February 11, 2025

State Chamber Award will be presented at Naperville Area Chamber Golf Outing


Senator Mike Connelly (R-21st District) will be presented the Illinois Chamber’s Champion of Free Enterprise Award during the Naperville Area Chamber of Commerce’s Annual Golf Outing reception today at White Eagle Golf Club.

State Senator Mike Connelly

“With unemployment in Illinois consistently higher than the national average, state fiscal uncertainty, a crumbling transportation infrastructure, and one of the highest corporate tax rates in the nation, no state has a greater need for pro-business legislators than does Illinois,” said Doug Whitley, President and CEO, Illinois Chamber of Commerce, in a press release.

“I’m honored to receive this award, and I am especially grateful that this recognition is coming from the Illinois Chamber and business community,” said Sen. Connelly. “Nothing will help get our fiscal house in order faster than a growing private sector economy. I will continue to sponsor, promote and draft legislation that helps Illinois’ businesses grow and prosper.”

The Champion of Free Enterprise Award is awarded biennially to recognize legislators that have made it a commitment to support and defend the employers and support the policies of a free enterprise system to help Illinois’ economy grow and prosper. In order to be eligible for the award a legislator must have received an average of 85 percent or better voting record over the previous two General Assembly sessions as rated in the Illinois Chamber of Commerce Legislative Rating published at the end of each General Assembly session.

According to Mike Evans, president & CEO of the Naperville Chamber, local leaders aren’t surprised that Connelly achieved this rating and distinction.

“Senator Connelly always works on behalf of Illinois and his district’s businesses and job creators. Not only does he want his district to grow, but he also wants the state to prosper, which is why he works so hard on the big issues,” said Evans. “Mike is known to work both sides of the aisle with the goal of improving Illinois’ business, economic and fiscal climate.”

“Senator Connelly continues to represent the values of his constituents and to promote lasting solutions to the problems that face our state through economic expansion.,” said Chuck Corrigan, a Naperville attorney with the law firm Dommermuth, Cobine, West, Gensler, Philipchuck, Corrigan & Bernhard, Ltd., who will attend the presentation. “Through his efforts as State Senator and his involvement in his community, Mike Connelly continues to shine as the type of leader we so badly need.”

The ratings are based on legislators’ votes on the key business legislation of the 97th General Assembly. The issues selected for scoring were determined by staff and the Illinois Chamber’s Government Affairs Committee based on their impact on the business community. In cases where more than one roll call was taken on a bill, the vote that best demonstrates support for employers’ vital interests was chosen.

About the Naperville Area Chamber of Commerce: The Naperville Area Chamber of Commerce is the largest suburban Chamber in Illinois with an active membership of 1,400 organizations of every size and from every sector, who participate in more than 400 briefings, committee gatherings, events, and programs annually. Through its programming, the Chamber provides leadership for the benefit of region’s business community by promoting economic growth and advocating the interests of business. For its efforts in promoting free enterprise and the business community, the Chamber has been recognized with 5-Star Accreditation from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, an honor bestowed on only 1 percent of Chambers, out of the nearly 7,000 in the nation.

About the Illinois Chamber of Commerce: The Illinois Chamber of Commerce promotes the interests of Illinois business by working to improve the state’s business climate. The Illinois Chamber aggressively advocates legislation and public policies that support economic growth, and is a source of timely and reliable information on matters important to its members, Illinois employers and the general public. The Illinois Chamber also provides effective programs and services to its members to meet their business needs, including immediate answers to tax and human resources concerns and access to training and consulting services.


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