Most recent greeting posted at top. Many Greetings to PN also are linked to online stories. Thanks for keeping greetings brief.
I’m sitting outside the Mayors office reading Positively Naperville. I’d like to share one of my mom’s sayings in your Wit & Wisdom section “if you don’t have anything nice to say, then don’t say anything at all.” If everyone to that advice just think how the World would change. Hugs. —Patty Gustin
P.S. Sadly, my copy of PN stopped being delivered to my home. I miss it.
Editor’s Note: PN moves its distribution around from neighborhood to neighborhood every month. Please know that in addition to door-to-door delivery, complimentary copies of the publication are available for pick up in the Municipal Center, Park District Administration Building, Springbrook Golf Course, Naperbrook Golf Course, Casey’s Foods, Oswald’s Pharmacy, Minuteman Press, Dog Patch Pet & Feed, Second Chance Resale, Kroehler Y, 95th Street Fry Family Y, Anderson’s Bookshop, Naperville Bank & Trust (three locations), Rubin Riverwalk Community Center, Brighton Car Wash, The Boxes, First Community Bank Naperville and a couple dozen other locations. —PN
The Second (Indianhead) Division Association is conducting a nationwide search for any man or woman who served in the Army’s famous Second Infantry Division. We would like to let division veterans know about our organization and of our upcoming reunion. With your assistance, we can reach a great number of these veterans. We therefore respectfully ask that you publish the press release in a future edition of your web publication.
Fox Lake, IL – The Second (Indianhead) Division Association is searching for anyone who ever served in the Army’s 2nd Infantry Division at any time. For information about the association and our annual reunion in Columbus, Georgia from September 17 – 21, 2013, contact secretary-treasurer, Bob Haynes, at, call (224) 225-1202, or log on to
Thanking you in advance, I am, —Michael F. Davino, National President, The Second (Indianhead) Division Association, Inc., Olivia, NC 28368-0371, Thanks so much! I grew up in Naperville in the 70s and spent a lot of time there with my family. We are having a reunion and I thought the (Cock Robin “One in a Million“) t-shirts would be a fun surprise. Thanks again! —James WestonJust wanted to take a minute and say a Big Thank You for your coverage of “my” Naperbrook Driving Range Renaming Dedication. From your initial announcement back in February or so, to this month’s front page coverage were really special. You can be sure that Marilyn and I greatly appreciate all you’ve done for us over the years. Thanks. —Glen Ekey
Editor’s Note: Photographer Jo Lundeen took the photos for the story about Glen Ekey, Executive Director of the Naperville Park District from 1981-1996 during a period of rapid growth in the community. The 1981 population of approximately 45,000 grew to 118,000 in 1996 with two golf courses and 123 parks encompassing 2,300 acres.
Wonderful article on Glen (Ekey) and the driving range. Thank you! Picture (by Jo Lundeen) was also perfect—have sent it on to our great nephews (the first two boys) in Mich. and, of course, our grandson right behind Glen. Jackson (7) wondered if he was now famous because his picture was in the paper. Thanks again. Your current and past articles have been wonderful. —Marilyn Ekey
We are a newer furniture and home decor consignment shop and Naperville, and are looking into membership with IndieBound. Let us know how the process works. —Mary and Jeana, Twiggs- Carefully Chosen Consignments,
Editor’s Note: Positively Naperville, the city’s independently-owned monthly publication and a founding member of IndieBound Naperville, receives many requests regarding membership in Indie-Bound Naperville. The cost is $30 for membership to be posted on the IBN website and to receive a red IndieBound Naperville sign for your window. Simply mail a check made payable to IndieBound Naperville c/o IndieBound Naperville, Anderson’s Bookshop at 123 W. Jefferson Ave., Naperville, IL 60540. Include your name and e-mail address (not for publication) along with name of business, address, phone and web address (for publication). Note! Monthly meetings, not mandatory to attend, are held on the first Monday of the month at 6PM. Thanks! —PN
Thanks for your assistance (Cliff Crone Leadership Award at Crone Middle School). We enjoy your magazine. —Tom Finch
Saw the photo of the pastrami sandwich at City Meat Market. Looks good. Nice people. Good food, too. —Greg Gordon
Great job on the Century Walk ad (with a letter to the community about the mural Naperville Loves a Parade.).. A few friends of mine were e-mailing me that they saw it. Thank you! —Dodie Mondero, Lead Artist, Naperville Loves a Parade