I can’t believe that my opportunity to serve as NAHC president started four years ago. Our bylaws call for term limits, so my departure provides the pathway for my hard-working vice president, Bob Fischer, to take over leadership.

My time with you has been greatly rewarding and I have enjoyed it immensely. Our Board chose fact based pathways for acceptance or rejection of community-based matters of importance. The theme of “Neighbor to Neighbor” really explained why the Confederation is so important to each of us and to our City. If we can’t take care of and trust our neighbor, then why do we call Naperville home?
I so appreciate and thank my 15-member Board that served and followed their passions in regard to covering our neighborhoods. These passion-driven Board members serve on active City commissions and were appointed to special committees dictated by City urgencies. I thank them for spoiling me as I took on the Emerald Ash Borer. Working with outstanding scientists and City staff, Naperville became the Midwest model city by proving it is so much better to treat an infested tree rather than to cut it down. My goal, supported and shared by the cooperative efforts of so many people, was to preserve our green tree canopy for generations to come.
One of the favorite memories of my term was the attendance of City Senior Staff for two of our recent meetings. These highly professional people came to interact with our members, on an informal basis; they answered and addressed resident concerns person to person. Staff gave up their Saturday mornings for us, and my gratitude for their presence is profound.
It has been an honor and a privilege being Confederation president, so thank you one more time. Please make the Confederation one of your passions.