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Sunday, February 16, 2025

June Positively Briefs


Little Friends steps it up Sun., June 23

step-up-web-DSC_1718The Little Friends Step Up for Autism Walk will be held along the Riverwalk on Sun., June 23, to raise awareness about autism. This family-friendly walk includes a 2.5-mile walk and fun run and a one-mile kid-friendly route.

This year’s event also will feature a fun-filled Kids Area, complete with interactive displays, moon jumps and entertainment. Morning registration will begin at 8:30AM with the walk kick off at 9:45AM.

The walk also incorporates a visual picture system which adapts walk activities to meet the needs of individuals with autism and other developmental disabilities. Participants can utilize the colorful number countdown picture system to take part in a variety of walk festivities, including walking, eating, drinking and playing in the event’s fun-filled Kids’ Area.

To register or donate visit www.stepupforautism2013.kintera.org. Team participation is encouraged and custom team t-shirts can be screen printed by ColorBurst in Downers Grove, a division of Little Friends. Contact Maureen Reichelt, ColorBurst Sales Consultant, at (630) 852-6824 x1 or email maureen@cburst.com for orders.

AAUW Naperville Area Angeline Gale Memorial Scholarship Winner

Since 1971 AAUW Naperville Area annually has awarded a local scholarship to a mature woman working toward completing a college degree. Amid a very competitive field, Ashley Renee Smith has been chosen to receive the 2013 Angeline Gale Memorial Scholarship.

Smith is studying English as well as Secondary Education at North Central College. Upon graduation she is hoping to be employed as a high school English teacher. The AAUW Naperville Scholarship is named to honor the founder of the branch, Angeline Gale.

Book sale funds scholarship

The annual scholarship is funded by the AAUW Naperville Area Book Sale held every year.

The 2013 Sale will be held Wed., June 12 through Sat., June 15, at Neuqua Valley High School, 2360 95th St. For more information, visit www.aauw-il.org/naperville/ or e-mail aauwnaperville@hotmail.com.

Carillon Tours available on weekends from May through November

The Millennium Carillon in Moser Tower and the Visitor Center opened for the 2013 season on May 4. Visitors can climb the 253 steps to the top of the 160-foot tower and enjoy a spectacular view while learning about the workings of the Carillon, its history, and its unique features.

Hours of operation are from 10AM and 4PM on Saturdays and from noon to 6PM on Sundays, with Friday hours (10AM to 4PM) through August 16. Millennium Carillon in Moser Tower and Visitor Center is located at 443 Aurora Ave.

May_edwardEdward Hospital offers a variety of classes

Throughout the year, Edward Hospital offers numerous types of wellness classes, parenting, meditation and relaxation to help residents enjoy a high quality of life. For instance, Edward offers monthly CPR classes.

A wide range of classes and tours are offered for expectant parents, big brothers and sisters-to-be and parents of newborns and multiples.

Some classes are free; others charge a fee. New sessions begin regularly.

Most classes are held in the Education Center on the Edward Hospital campus, 801 S. Washington St.

ESLP offers free GED and career training

The Early School Leaver Program (ESLP) is a unique program offering free GED preparation, workplace skill-building, and specific career training for DuPage residents aged 17-21. The Early School Leaver program is funded by the Workforce Development Division of DuPage County (Workforce Investment Act). For more information or to register, call (630) 691-7577.

Linden Oaks hosts monthly ‘Recovery Night’

Linden Oaks at Edward’s eating disorders program hosts monthly Recovery Night from 6:30-8PM on certain Mondays. Linden Oaks is located on the campus of Edward Hospital, 801 S. Washington St.

Recovery Night, free and open to the public, is for current and former eating disorder patients, as well as their families and friends, and supporters of the Linden Oaks program. For info, call (630) 305-5000.

Serendipity Shop seeks donations year-round

The Serendipity Resale Shop is a volunteer-run shop, located at 12 W. Jefferson Ave. in downtown Naperville.

Donations of clean, gently-used men’s, women’s and children’s clothing of all sizes are welcome. Donors are asked not to include items that are stained or torn. The resale shop is in need of linens and home decorating items, such as lamps, dishes and clocks as well as household items, jewelry and collectibles.

Donations may be dropped off anytime during regular hours. For information, call Serendipity at (630) 357-3610.

Visit Veterans, play Bingo

Every month from September to June on the second Tuesday, a motorcoach departs at 6:30PM from the Judd Kendall, VFW Post 3873, 908 W. Jackson Ave. with folks eager to spread good cheer to veterans receiving treatment at Hines VA Hospital in Maywood.

The public is welcome to help fill the motorcoach on Tues., June 11.

For more information about visiting Hines V.A. Hospital, call organizer John Shaw at (630) 961-3479, Mike Barbour at (630) 240-1645 or Jan Barbour at (630) 247-9007.

Naperville Crime Stoppers Running Scared 5K to return this October

The Naperville Crime Stoppers will be taking a bite out of crime at 8AM Sat., Oct. 26 with the return of the Running Scared 5K. The run and walk will start at St. Elizabeth Seton Church.

Costumes are encouraged and McGruff the Crime Dog will be on hand to cheer on runners. For info and updates visit www.crimestoppersrunningscared.com.

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PN Ombudsman
PN Ombudsman
An ombudsman is Scandinavian in origin dating back to Viking times; and refers to a community representative; usually acting independently on behalf of an organization, body of elected officials, or civic group. Thanks Scandinavia for inventing ombudsman.