28.5 F
Saturday, February 15, 2025

Things to do around Naperville this weekend


For a comprehensive list of events, visit events.positivelynaperville.com.


band_battle10th Annual Battle of the Bands / 4 – 8PM / Performances at Central Park, 104 East Benton Avenue. Bands from area high schools, including Naperville Central, Naperville North, Neuqua, Waubonsie and Metea, will compete in the annual May competition produced by the Naperville Park District Youth Ambassadors. The winner gets to play at Ribfest! For more information, visit www.napervilleparks.org.

Roundtable discussion at NCC on Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics / 1:30PM / NCC President Troy D. Hammond hosts a roundtable discussion from 1:30 to 3PM Fri., May 17, in Wentz Concert Hall, 171 E. Chicago Ave. The public is invited to hear participants discuss Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) in the context of a liberal arts education. The event is free and will be moderated by CBS2 Chicago reporter and weekend co-anchor Jim Williams.


Naperville Area Homeowners Confederation Meeting / 8AM / The Naperville Area Homeowners Confederation has a full slate of activities and information planned on Saturday, May 18 when its annual general membership meeting kicks off at 8 AM in meeting rooms B & C of the Naperville Municipal Center, 400 S. Eagle Street.

School District 204 27th Annual Fine Arts Festival / 9AM – 4PM / The Indian Prairie Educational Foundation presents the 27th annual Fine Arts Festival, now at all three District 204 high schools.

The all-day festival will involve approximately 14,000 students, representing each of the schools in the district. Every high School will come alive with vocal and instrumental performances as well as exhibits of artistic creations developed by students throughout the year.

Neuqua Valley High School is located at 2360 95th St.

Waubonsie Valley High School is located at 2590 Ogden at Eola Ave.

Metea Valley High School is located at 1801 N. Eola Ave.

Free admission. Refreshments are available for purchase in the cafeteria.


Illinois Prairie Path is 50 years old! Celebrate May Theilgaard Watts / 11AM / The Illinois Prairie Path, founded by Naperville resident May Watts, will celebrate its first 50 years during festivities in the Madden Theater, located in the North Central College Fine Arts Center, 171 E. Chicago Ave., in the heart of the city. The free event is open to the public. The “Experience the Illinois Prairie Path” event will include stories, photographs and music of the founders and volunteers who established and built the Path.

Live Music at CityGate Grille / 8:30 – 11:30PM / Jive away select weekend evenings with live music at CityGate Grille. The Special 20′s to perform Chicago swing, blues and rock & roll. CityGate Grille is located in the Calamos Investments building at CityGate Centre, I88 and Rt. 59. For dinner reservations call (639) 718.1010 or visit www.citygategrille.com.

Hoodie_AllenHoodie Allen in Concert at North Central College / 9PM / North Central College welcomes American hip-hop artist Hoodie Allen in concert May 18 with opening acts Outasight and The Ready Set.

The performance begins at 9PM Saturday, May 18, in North Central’s Residence Hall/Recreation Center, 440 S. Brainard St. Tickets are $20; call (630) 637-SHOW (7469) or visit northcentralcollege.edu/showtix. The concert is presented by North Central College’s Fine and Performing Arts, College Union Activities Board (CUAB) and Office of Alumni Relations.


During Civil War Days / 10AM – 4PM / Naper Settlement is transformed into a Civil War encampment where visitors can experience first hand a turbulent time period in our nation’s history from 10AM-4PM Saturday and Sunday, May 18-19 at Naper Settlement, 523 S. Webster St., Naperville. Learn how the nation changed through the insights of famous people who made a difference in history. Hundreds of re-enactors participate, staging a battle with raging artillery and marching infantry at 2:30PM each day. Purchase advance tickets online at www.napersettlement.com or at Naper Settlement’s Visitor Center. Advance tickets are $10/adult and $5/youth 4-12; at the gate, tickets are $15/adults and $10 youth 4-12. Call (630) 420-6010 or visit napersettlement.com.

Casey’s Foods Fires up its Grill / 10AM – 2PM / Casey’s Foods fires up its grill every Saturday and Sunday. Purchase reliable stand-bys — burgers, brats, steak and chicken tacos, etc. — and enjoy grilled specials every weekend throughout the summer and fall. Picnic tables provide seating under cover, too. Casey’s is located at Naperville Plaza, Washington & Gartner.

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PN Ombudsman
PN Ombudsman
An ombudsman is Scandinavian in origin dating back to Viking times; and refers to a community representative; usually acting independently on behalf of an organization, body of elected officials, or civic group. Thanks Scandinavia for inventing ombudsman.