22.9 F
Sunday, February 9, 2025

Independent publisher Sourcebooks supports G.L.O.W. 5K Run/Walk


Independent publisher Sourcebooks has signed on to sponsor the 12th annual G.L.O.W. 5K Run/Walk.  Formerly known as the Run for Reading held on a Sunday morning, the newly organized benefit run will begin at 8PM on Sat., June 1, at 5th Avenue and Plank Road in Naperville. All proceeds will benefit the Jeanine Nicarico Memorial Fund for Literacy to acquire and distribute resources that provide enriched literary opportunities within the community.


“Although I’m an avid runner, I still need motivation…or a cause to run for,” noted Brad Hentz, Sourcebook’s Manager of Manufacturing and Product Delivery. “Seeing as this race is in Naperville AND is about literacy AND we are all book lovers here at Sourcebooks, it made sense.”

Sourcebooks will have a number of employees along with family and friends participating. One employee is running her first 5K at this race, and her parents are traveling from Michigan to cheer her on.

The race starts at 5th Ave. and Center St., heading east on 5th Ave./Plank Rd. to Tuthill Rd. Participants will turn around and head back west on Plank Rd. to 5th Ave and N. Loomis St. Bicycles, in-line skates, other wheeled vehicles (except for wheelchairs), and dogs are NOT allowed. Walkers with strollers are welcomed.

Trophies are awarded to the top overall male and female runners and both the top male and female runners in nine age categories. Awards also will be handed out for BEST “Glowed Out” individual and MOST “Glowed Out” team/group (maximum of 10 individuals), and HIGHEST participation for a team! An author visit will be awarded to the school with the highest percentage of participation.

Following the race, food and beverages will be  provided by local sponsors: Café Buonaro’s, Belgio’s Catering, and Hugo’s Frog Bar & Fish House. Entertainment will be provided by the band Tres Moustache.

Preregistration fee is $35 on race day. For more information, visit www.nicaricoliteracyfund.org.

Update! A large banner now is in place to thank all the sponsors.


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PN Editor
PN Editor
An editor is someone who prepares content for publishing. It entered English, the American Language, via French. Its modern sense for newspapers has been around since about 1800.