Inauguration of the recently elected City Council members will take place beginning at 2PM on Sunday, May 5, in Council Chambers of the Naperville Municipal Center, 400 S. Eagle St. The public is welcome and encouraged to attend this event.
Newcomer David G. Wentz, along with re-elected incumbents Judith Brodhead, Paul Hinterlong and Douglas Krause, will be sworn in during the ceremony. Brodhead and Hinterlong have served on the City Council since 2009 and Krause has served since 1989.
The newly elected Council members will join Mayor A. George Pradel and Steve Chirico, Robert Fieseler, Joseph J. McElroy and Grant Wehrli on the Council. In the 2013 Consolidated Election, four positions were up for election.
The inauguration will be broadcast live on the City’s government access channel, WCNC (Ch. 6 – WOW, Ch. 10 – Comcast and Ch. 99 – AT&T) and re-broadcast throughout the coming months. The event will also be available to view live and on-demand via the City’s website at
For more information on the City Council, visit