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Saturday, February 15, 2025

Local high schools stage spring musicals in April and May


Every spring local high schools come alive with musicals staged by students.  The exceptional entertainment begins this weekend with a variety of choices at Metea Valley, Neuqua Valley and Naperville Central.

The Wiz will be performed at Naperville Central High School April 26-28.

In May, curtains will go up on productions at Naperville North and Waubonsie Valley high schools.

Quite frankly, high school musicals produced by School District 203 and School District 204 are a match for professional productions staged from Drury Lane to Broadway. The lighting, set design, costumes, programs, direction, casting, orchestras and actors create top rate theater experiences time and time again at prices that can’t be beat.

Thanks to all the gifted students, supportive parents and performing arts teachers for dedicating time and talents for appreciative audiences.

Thanks to all for supporting the arts!

Anything Goes / April 25-27 / At Metea Valley High School

Metea Valley High School will present its spring musical Anything Goes, with music and lyrics by Cole Porter.

This showcase of the 1934 musical comedy features an evangelist-turned-nightclub singer, a lovelorn stockbroker, a lovely debutante, the debutante’s British lord fiancé and a gangster impersonating a minister. All characters sail on a luxury cruise liner with memorable songs, dance and romance.

Three Performances: 7PM Thurs., April 25 & Fri., April 26; 2PM Matinee only on Sat., April 27.

Tickets are $7 in advance (must be picked up) and $9 at the door.

For reservations, call (630) 375-5900 ext. 8220.

Metea Valley High School is located at 1801 N. Eola Road.

The Music Man / April 25-27 / At Neuqua Valley High School

Neuqua Valley High School will present Meredith Willson’s The Music Man.  The story follows fast-talking traveling salesman Harold Hill as he cons the people of River City, Iowa, into buying instruments and uniforms for a boys’ band he vows to organize. However, he doesn’t know a trombone from a treble clef.

Three Performances: 7PM Thurs., April 25, Fri., April 26, &  Sat., April 27.

Tickets: $11 for adults; $5 for students/senior citizens.

Neuqua Valley High School is located at 2360 95th Street, east of Route 59.

The Wiz / April 26-28 / At Naperville Central High School

Naperville Central High School students present “The Wiz.”

Three Performances: 7:30PM Fri., April 26 & Sat, April 27 and a Matinee at 2:30PM Sun., April 28

“The Wiz” is the retelling of “The Wizard of Oz,” but in the context of an urban culture. The 1975 Broadway production won seven Tony awards, including Best Musical, and inspired a hit Hollywood movie in 1978, starring Michael Jackson and Dianna Ross. The music stands the test of time, with songs like “Ease On Down the Road,” “Everybody Rejoice (Brand New Day),” “I Was Born On the Day the Before Yesterday,”“Slide Some Oil To Me,” “Be A Lion,” and “Home.”

Join Naperville Central High School’s 65-member cast, crew, and full orchestra for this story of courage, brains, heart, and home that is appropriate for the entire family.

Reserved Seats: Adults are $10 / Students and Seniors are $8.

Tickets available one hour before each performance at the auditorium box office door.

Ticket INFO: (630) 420-6834 or cparry@naperville203.org.

Naperville Central High School Auditorium is located at the corner of West Street and Aurora Ave., with plenty of parking.

Legally Blonde / May 1-5 / At Naperville North High School

Naperville North High School will present it spring musical production, Legally Blonde.

Six Performances: 7PM Wed., May 1; Thurs., May 2 & Fri., May 3; 2PM & 7PM Sat., May 4; and 2PM Sun., May 5.

All performances will be staged in the Naperville North High School Auditorium.

Naperville North Performing Arts Department presents Legally Blonde, an incredibly fun musical comedy written by Laurence O’Keefe and Nell Benjamin and inspired by a novel by Heather Hach.

Tickets are $16 for reserved seating, $12 for general admission and $8 (general admission) for seniors and students.

For ticket reservations and more info, visit Naperville North High School performing arts events.

Hairspray / May 9-11 / At Waubonsie Valley High School

WVHS Theatre presents the 2013 Spring Musical, Hairspray.

Three Performances: 7:30PM, Thurs., May 9, Fri., May 10 and Sat., May 11, in the Waubonsie Valley High School Auditorium.

Set in 1960s Baltimore, Hairspray is the story of pleasantly plump teen Tracy Turnblad, who does whatever it takes to fulfill her lifelong dream of appearing on the popular Corny Collins Show. It’s a big musical comedy with big hair!

Tickets are on sale now and are available by e-mailing your order to the box office at wv_box_office@ipsd.org, by calling the box office at (630) 375-3337.

To purchase the tickets in person, stop by the WVHS reception desk from 8 to 11AM, and from 1:30 to 3:30PM.

Waubonsie Valley High School is located at 2590 Ogden Avenue at Eola Road in Aurora.

District 204 27th Annual Fine Arts Festival / May 18

The Indian Prairie Educational Foundation presents the 27th annual Fine Arts Festival, now held simultaneously at all three Indian Prairie Unit School District 204 high schools.

The all-day festival will involve approximately 14,000 students, representing the elementary and middle schools at the different high schools according to school boundaries.

Every high School will come alive with vocal and instrumental performances as well as exhibits of artistic creations developed by students throughout the year.

Neuqua Valley High School is located at 2360 95th St.

Waubonsie Valley High School is located at 2590 Ogden at Eola Ave.

Metea Valley High School is located at 1801 N. Eola Ave.

Free admission.  Refreshments are available for purchase in the cafeteria.

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