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Residents! Business owners! Share flood damage info by April 24


Naperville residents and businesses that experienced flood damage due to the recent rains are asked to please visit the City’s online Citizen Support Center at http://bit.ly/naperfloodreport and report details of their losses via an online form.

Info needed by 10AM April 24

This information will be used by the State of Illinois to apply for federal aid, so resident participation is crucial. Due to regional and state deadlines, all information should be provided to the City no later than 10AM on Wed., April 24, 2013. The public is encouraged to spread the word about this information request with their neighbors and friends to help ensure maximum participation.


Paper copies of the form will be available for those without computer or Internet access by this evening in the Community Relations Division of the Naperville Municipal Center, 400 S. Eagle St., or at all three Naperville Public Library branches at the Adult Reference Desks: Nichols Library, 200 W. Jefferson Ave.; Naper Boulevard Library, 2035 S. Naper Blvd.; and 95th Street Library, 3015 Cedar Glade Drive.

Please note that providing flood damage information through this form does not mean a person or business is filing a flood damage claim with any agency and does not guarantee any government or insurance benefits. Any additional information regarding disaster relief funds and an application process for those funds would be posted on the City’s Flood Recovery webpage at www.naperville.il.us/floodrecovery.aspx if those funds become available. This information simply provides the City with a method to track damage information so it can be compiled and submitted to State authorities to better the chances of Illinois receiving federal disaster assistance.

Additional Flood Recovery Information

Updated information about the flood recovery process is continually being added to the City’s Flood Recovery webpage at www.naperville.il.us/floodrecovery.aspx. The page also contains important information about disposal of damaged items as well as general clean-up tips.

Please note that due to the large quantity of flood-damaged items, the City’s garbage service provider, Allied Waste, will be working through Saturday the week of April 22-27. This means that if all refuse is not picked up during a resident’s regularly scheduled garbage collection day, Allied will return the following day to finish the collection. Because of the large amount of flood-related debris, yard waste collection will be suspended until after all flood-damaged materials are collected. It is anticipated there will be a one-week delay in yard waste pickup.

As a reminder, no electronics may be left at the curb for garbage collection. Residents can utilize the Recycling Drop-Off Center, located at 180 Fort Hill Drive, to dispose of these items. In addition, the Will County Front Door Electronics Recycling Program is another disposal option. Complete information about both disposal options is available at www.naperville.il.us/electronicsrecycle.aspx.

Residents who used sand bags during the flood event and need to dispose of them should call the Department of Public Works at (630) 420-6095 by Wed., April 24, and provide their address for pick-up. Public Works will begin sending a crew out to collect sand bags from the curbs in front of these addresses beginning Thursday, April 25. Pick-up is anticipated to last for approximately one week.

For more information on the City of Naperville, visit www.naperville.il.us.

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City of Naperville
City of Napervillehttp://www.naperville.il.us.
About Naperville: Located 28 miles west of Chicago, Naperville, Ill., is home to approximately 145,000 people. This vibrant, thriving City consistently ranks as a top community in the nation in which to live, raise children and retire. The City is home to acclaimed public and parochial schools, the best public library system in the country, an array of healthcare options and an exceptionally low crime rate. Naperville has ready access to a variety of public transportation, housing and employment options. The City’s diversified employer base features high technology firms, retailers and factories, as well as small and home-based businesses. Residents also enjoy world-class parks, diverse worship options, the opportunity to serve on several City boards and commissions, a thriving downtown shopping and dining area, a renowned outdoor history museum known as Naper Settlement and an active civic community. For more information, please visit our website at www.naperville.il.us.