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Friday, February 14, 2025

Ann Reid Early Childhood Center will celebrate earning Earth Day Flag


Ironically, Mother Nature’s behavior this past week has prevented some of the weekend events surrounding Earth Day 2013 from happening. For instance, the annual Riverwalk Spring Spruce Up and other Naperville park clean-up events were canceled Saturday. And the Morton Arboretum is closed until further notice.


Still, Earth Day 2013 is slated for Mon., April 22.  Ann Reid Early Childhood Center will install an Earth Day Flag at 1PM Mon., April 22, on Earth Day as planned.

“We’ve all been busy with other natural events, but let’s not forget Earth Day,” noted Susan Rice, Director of Communications, Naperville Community Unit School District 203.

Ann Reid Early Childhood Center is the first pre-school in the state to earn this designation. What’s more, Ann Reid is the first pre-school in the country to be LEED certified silver.

Earning the Earth Flag demonstrates the school’s commitment to teaching sustainability and environmental awareness to our youngest citizen’s and setting a pattern for life-long advocacy for a better world.  Among many recent projects, the school earned the flag by focusing its efforts via art posters, monthly recycling initiatives and creating a plan for a garden.

The celebration will showcase how the students accomplished their goal, creating valuable awareness that will continue to teach young citizens the importance of caring for the earth.

Naperville Mayor George Pradel, Lisle Mayor Joe Broda, Superintendent Dan Bridges and Principal Jeannie Matula will be on hand to share with students in this 30-minute celebration for family and friends, board members and administrators in School District 203.

Ann Reid Early Childhood Center  is located at 1011 S. Naper Blvd.

Editor’s Note: The Moser Tower with the 72-bell carillon along the Riverwalk is illuminated with green lights to celebrate Earth Day for the remaining of April.



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PN Editor
PN Editor
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