UPDATE April 28: The DuPage County American Legion Speech Contest on the U.S. Constitution was held on Sun., April 28, at Cantigny in the Theater at the Visitor Center.
Junior high schools from around the county were present with the 7th and 8th grade students representing various other American Legion Posts participating in the contest.
After delivering a three-to-five minute speech about the U.S. Constitution the winner was selected by the panel of judges and they selected Druv Vohra, an 8th Grader at Scullen Middle School in Naperville. Along with a certificate, Vohra was presented a $100 check for his oration.
Contest organizer Bob Bohr, right, presented the certificate and check to Vohra.
Naperville student wins American Legion Post 43 Speech Contest
The Naperville American Legion Post 43 hosted the 7th Annual Junior High Speech Contest on April 14 at the Post home, located at 10 W. Chicago Ave., in downtown Naperville.

Students from both District 203 and District 204 competed in this contest where the students were asked to prepare a 3-to-5 minute speech on some phase of the Constitution of the United States.
The winner of the local contest, representing Scullen Middle School in District 204, was 8th grader Druv Vohra.
Vohra received a check for $100 for his speech presentation along with a Certificate of Appreciation from the American Legion for his participation. Vohra also will represent American Legion Post 43 in the Du Page County competition on April 28, held at the Cantigny 1st Division Museum in Wheaton, where he will compete with contestants from the other 14 posts in the county.

Other contestants receiving cash prizes in the Naperville contest were 2nd place finish Abinaya Ramakrishnan of Kennedy Jr. High, District 203; 3rd place, Jake Galgano from Kennedy Jr. High, District 203; and 4th place, Sejal Parmar also from Scullen Middle School, District 204.
On behalf of the American Legion Post 43, organizer Bob Bohr expressed congratulations to all the contestants and schools that were represented in this contest.
Photos courtesy Bob Bohr.