22.8 F
Saturday, February 15, 2025

Lisle Township trustees organize campaign sign take-down


What’s worse than waking up the morning after an enthusiastic election campaign to a chilly, gloomy, damp, rainy, gray spring day?

In our view, it’s the look of a  littered landscape, still dotted with campaign signs to promote the multitude of hopefuls, now winners and losers.


For years, PN’s quest has been to have all campaign signs down by 7AM the morning after any election. The reality is it never happens within a week.  Heck.  A few campaign signs still stand along Aurora Ave. from November 2012.

Early this morning we received a tip from Mike Loftus over in Lisle Township.

“Rick Tarulis organized a sign removal in Lisle Township beginning last night as soon as the polls closed,” wrote Loftus.

“He contacted all candidates, in all parties, in all races and asked for permission, and then assigned areas for removal to a number of volunteers,” Loftus continued. “People hate seeing the signs after the election. Winners take theirs down, losers often don’t! Suggestions? thanks.”


Quite by coincidence at 9:30AM, while we were collecting campaign signs planted near the entrance of  May Watts Elementary School, one of yesterday’s polling places, Councilman Paul Hinterlong, pictured above, rolled up alongside us with his pick-up truck filled with campaign signs. He was headed to the lower parking deck at the Municipal Center where he said hundreds of campaign had already been dropped off and lined up, ready to be picked up by candidates.

We followed Hinterlong’s lead and headed over to the Municipal Center to drop off our collection of signs that had been picked up by Jim Penick on Tuesday evening immediately after the polls had closed at 7PM.

That’s when we discovered the well-organized line of signs.


Candidates can pick up their signs that have been lined up all along the east wall in the lower level of the parking deck at the Naperville Municipal Center, 400 S. Eagle St.  The location is available for drop off and pick up until April 15.  Spread the word!  After April 15, the signs will be recycled.

We appreciate the efforts of Rick Tarulis and Lisle Township to organize this initiative and the City of Naperville for providing the space.

Thanks to all for dropping off signs now. Drive carefully and pay attention to traffic while collecting signs along the parkway and at major intersections.

Our web editor will be making changes to PN’s homepage today!


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PN Editor
PN Editor
An editor is someone who prepares content for publishing. It entered English, the American Language, via French. Its modern sense for newspapers has been around since about 1800.