31.3 F
Saturday, February 15, 2025

April Positively Briefs


Serendipity Shop seeks donations year-round

The Serendipity Resale Shop is a volunteer-run shop, located at 12 W. Jefferson Ave. in downtown Naperville.

Donations of clean, gently-used men’s, women’s and children’s clothing of all sizes are welcome. Donors are asked not to include items that are stained or torn. The resale shop is in need of linens and home decorating items, such as lamps, dishes and clocks as well as household items, jewelry and collectibles.

Donations may be dropped off anytime during regular hours. For information, call Serendipity at (630) 357-3610.

Naperville Ale Fest announces third round of breweries

Naperville_AleFest_logo_FinialThe inaugural Naperville Ale Fest will take place on Sat., July 20. Located on the grounds of Naper Settlement, with Downtown Naperville as a backdrop, it is the ideal setting to experience craft beer. The festival will feature more than 180 unique beers from craft breweries around the country.

The third round of breweries:

Arcadia Brewing Company, Barley Island Brewing Company, Berghoff, Boulevard Brewing Co., Brewery Ommegang, Brooklyn Brewery, Capital Brewery, Chicago Beer Company, Church Street Brewing Company, Cisco Brewers, Deschutes Brewery, Flying Dog Brewery, Great Lakes Brewing Co., Harpoon Brewery, Hinterland Brewery, Kentucky Ale, Lake Effect Brewing Company, Lakefront Brewery, Magic Hat Brewing Company, Metropolitan Brewing, New Holland Brewing Company, O’Fallon Brewery, Pipeworks Brewing Company, Redhook Brewing, Rogue, Southern Tier Brewing Company, Three Angles Brewing, Trumer Pils, Unita Brewing Co. and Uncommon Brewers

The festival will feature 60 craft breweries from all over the U.S.

Local jazz drummer receives Aquarian Award of Achievement

Jazz drummer Jack Mouse is the recent recipient of an Aquarian Award of Achievement, presented by Aquarian DrumHeads in acknowledgement of his contributions as a jazz educator and performer.

“Our company has only presented this award three times in our history,” said Roy Burns, CEO of Aquarian. “In addition to being a highly regarded educator, Jack’s new recording ‘Range of Motion’ demonstrates his prowess as a marvelous player and a true artist.”

“This award has a very special meaning for me,” said Mouse. “Roy Burns and I are from the same hometown. Roy was the first drummer I ever saw play live when I was four years old. In fact, Roy’s first snare drum was my very first snare drum. Over the years Roy has been an inspirational role model and a major influence in my life.”

naperville-respondsheaderlogoNaperville Responds For Our Veterans Third Annual Breakfast at the VFW

Say “thank you” to veterans with the Naperville Responds For Our Veterans Third Annual Breakfast to be held at Judd Kendall VFW Post 3873, 908 W. Jackson Ave. at 7AM on Thurs, Apr. 4. This year’s theme is “Strength and Honor.” Illinois State Representative Jeanne M Ives (R), 42nd District, will be the featured speaker.

The mission of Naperville Responds For Our Veterans is to assist veterans and their families, who have a housing construction related need throughout the Chicago area, by helping to build or repair their home. A group of skilled professionals in the real estate, building, financial and legal industries have come together to help veterans move forward by providing the services a veteran needs to make their house a home.

Tickets are $25 each and can be purchased online at www.nrfov.org.

Donations of any size are welcome addressed to: Treasurer at Naperville Responds For Our Veterans, 1111 S. Washington St., Naperville, IL 60540.

Visit Veterans, play Bingo

Every month from September to June on the second Tuesday, a motorcoach departs at 6:30PM from the Judd Kendall, VFW Post 3873, 908 W. Jackson Ave. with folks eager to spread good cheer to veterans receiving treatment at Hines VA Hospital in Maywood.

The public is welcome to help fill the motorcoach on Tues., April 9.

For more information about visiting Hines V.A. Hospital, call organizer John Shaw at (630) 961-3479, Mike Barbour at (630) 240-1645 or Jan Barbour at (630) 247-9007.

Exchange Club of Naperville presents Abraham Lincoln Award

The Exchange Club of Naperville Americanism Committee will recognize Jan Barbour and Mike Barbour with its 2012-2013 Abraham Lincoln Award.

The Barbours will be recognized at a luncheon, 11:45AM Fri., April 19, at Hugo’s Frog Bar at Main Street Promenade, in downtown Naperville. . This award is reserved for an individual, group or organization that has impacted the history of the community in which they live; they are known for their humble beginnings, their words, their deeds, their dedication and their sacrifice. For more information visit, www.exchangeclub.org.

Register for the 360 Spring Ahead at CityGate Centre

The end of the winter blues and the beginning of the running season will kick off on Sun., April 14, at the Calamos Investments Corporate campus. Over 1,000 runners and their families from the Naperville area and surrounding communities will gather for 14th Annual 360 Spring Ahead Run to benefit 360 Youth Services, a Naperville-based organization that provides such programs as Operation Snowball for students in school districts 203 and 204, counseling and confidence building groups for adolescents, and housing for homeless youth.

The event will start and end at the Calamos Investment campus at 2020 Calamos Drive, Naperville, located on the southeast corner of Ferry Rd. and Rt. 59, and will feature a one mile Kid’s Fun Run, a 5K Street Run, a 5K Wheelchair Race, and a 10K Trail Run.

Registration for the event is now open and with only 300 slots for the kid’s run and 500 for the 10K run, participants are encouraged to sign-up as soon as possible at www.360springahead.com.

360 Youth Services provides life changing services to over 6,000 youth and their families and impacts over 30,000 more through substance abuse prevention and education, counseling and shelter.

Visit 360youthservices.org for more information.

Edward Hospital offers a variety of classes

Throughout the year, Edward Hospital offers numerous types of wellness classes, parenting, meditation and relaxation to help residents enjoy a high quality of life. For instance, Edward offers monthly CPR classes.

A wide range of classes and tours are offered for expectant parents, big brothers and sisters-to-be and parents of newborns and multiples.

Some classes are free; others charge a fee. New sessions begin regularly.

Most classes are held in the Education Center on the Edward Hospital campus, 801 S. Washington St.

ESLP offers free GED and career training

The Early School Leaver Program (ESLP) is a unique program offering free GED preparation, workplace skill-building, and specific career training for DuPage residents aged 17-21. The Early School Leaver program is funded by the Workforce Development Division of DuPage County (Workforce Investment Act). For more information or to register, call (630) 691-7577.

Students from any college may enroll in summer credit courses at NCC

Registration is underway for a variety of academic courses that most often can be applied toward graduation requirements at a student’s home institution. Details on the various programs and applications can be found online at northcentralcollege.edu/admission or by contacting the Office of Graduate and Continuing Education Admission at (630) 637-5840.

Applications can be sent with a $25 nonrefundable fee by mail or delivered in person to Office of Admission on the second floor of Old Main, 30 N. Brainard St., Naperville.

North Central College offers a wide range of summer courses in various fields, including business, the arts and sciences. The Education Department offers several courses, including Teaching Children with Special Needs and Philosophy of Education and Teaching, among others. Science offerings include Organic Chemistry and Principles of Biology and often include lab experience.

Other fields offering summer coursework include psychology, philosophy, speech, art, sociology, finance, marketing and management. Class sessions begin June 10.

“Summer school serves many purposes,” said Peter Barger, North Central’s dean of graduate and continuing education. “Whether it is time or money, exploration or meeting requirements—summer school offers many different options for undergraduates.”

Visit northcentralcollege.edu/summer to learn more.

Linden Oaks hosts monthly ‘Recovery Night’

Linden Oaks at Edward’s eating disorders program hosts monthly Recovery Night from 6:30-8PM on certain Mondays. Linden Oaks is located on the campus of Edward Hospital, 801 S. Washington St.

Recovery Night, free and open to the public, is for current and former eating disorder patients, as well as their families and friends, and supporters of the Linden Oaks program.

For info, call (630) 305-5000.

New pastor for April service spoken is German

Church services in the German language will be held at St. John United Church of Christ at 11:30AM on Sun., April 7. Eric Krasny will lead the service, and all are welcome to attend.

Services are held on the first Sunday of every month and will continue on May 5 and June 2. St. John UCC is located at 1190 Olesen Dr.

For more information, call (630) 983-7824.

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PN Ombudsman
PN Ombudsman
An ombudsman is Scandinavian in origin dating back to Viking times; and refers to a community representative; usually acting independently on behalf of an organization, body of elected officials, or civic group. Thanks Scandinavia for inventing ombudsman.