23.6 F
Friday, February 14, 2025

Get to know candidates for Naperville City Council


The Naperville City Council is the only local governing body that can receive votes from all eligible Naperville residents. That means all eligible residents have the choice to vote for all eight members and the mayor who serve all the residents at large. The at-large system of voting has been in place here since the Council-City Manager form of government began in 1969.

This year, voters who participate in the 2013 Consolidated Election will be voting at large for four candidates to fill four two-year terms on City Council.


Pictured here is host and facilitator Rick Strawbridge of the Naperville Area Homeowners Confederation; along with candidates Jo Malik, Bill Habel, Doug Krause, John Krummen, Jeff B. Davis, Paul Hinterlong, Wayne Floegel, Judy Brodhead, Dave Wentz, Tom Glass and Kevin Coyne.

During the Naperville Area Homeowners Confederation Forum, nine of the 11 candidates for city council said they supported the “Yes At Large” ballot measure up for consideration during the April 9 Consolidated Election. Candidates who support keeping Naperville’s at-large representation were Paul Hinterlong, Doug Krause, John Krummen, Kevin Coyne, Jeff B. Davis, Wayne Floegel, Bill Habel, Dave Wentz and Judy Brodhead.

No districts just yet


After the forum, a number of candidates expressed concern for the confusion they have received from some voters regarding district representation.  Voters have asked the candidates, “Are you in my district?”

Some voters seem to think the hybrid district system of electing city council is already in place. That is not the case. Only if the Yes at Large question is rejected on April 9 will Naperville voters elect five city councilmen by district and three at large beginning in 2015.  Or put another way, only if the Yes at Large question is rejected on April 9 will every resident be represented by four councilmen and the mayor instead of all of them.

That’s why candidates for city council are running for two-year terms in this election.

Currently, all residents are represented by all eight city councilmen and the mayor.

The question on the ballot is “Shall the city of Naperville elect city council at large instead of part of the councilmen at large and part of the councilmen from districts?”

Vote 6AM-7PM Tuesday, April 9

The other governing bodies that need voter consideration on April 9 are school boards in School District 203 and School District 204, College of DuPage Board of Trustees, Naperville Park District Board of Commissioners and Township Trustees in Naperville, Lisle, Milton, Winfield, Wheatland and DuPage townships.

Find all the candidates and their websites linked at the Naperville Election Central and Voters Guide.

Watch all the NAHC Candidate Forums that have been saved for rebroadcast on demand at the city archives. Simply look under “City Events and Educational Videos” and search by date.

Thanks for your interest and for becoming an informed voter.


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PN Editor
PN Editor
An editor is someone who prepares content for publishing. It entered English, the American Language, via French. Its modern sense for newspapers has been around since about 1800.