“Coming up on Naperville News 17,” anchor Jen Hannon brings the latest Naperville centered news to its residents every week. Reporters are out seven days a week capturing stories of the people, places and perspectives that help connect and grow our community. Then, every Friday night an allnew half-hour show begins airing.
“Naperville News 17” follows a traditional news format with 1-2 minute stories known as “paks.” Our reporters cover stories from all sectors of the city including the annual Celebration of Spring at Knoch Knolls, the 9/11 Memorial, and the Chinese Lantern Festival. The station often takes a national story like pension reform and explores how it impacts Naperville residents. NCTV17 reporters cover City Council meetings, local elections, and the latest events being sponsored by the many not-for-profits that make Naperville a community that cares!
“Naperville News 17” honors those who have served our country by covering the Welcome Home celebrations, sharing stories about local veterans and the good work of the VFW and American Legion.
We also introduce viewers to new leaders. Our crew was there with new Chamber President Mike Evans as he was introduced to the Mayor; we visited with Bob Marshall as he assumed the role of Naperville Chief of Police.
And every week on “Naperville News 17”, Becky Anderson of Anderson’s Bookshop gives viewers a sneak peak of her upcoming episode of Authors Revealed and exclusive interviews with authors such as Jodi Picoult, R.L. Stein, and Ellen Hopkins.
The show concludes with the ever popular Sports 17 segment wrapping up the local high school varsity sports action from all six local area high schools as well as North Central College.
Get the inside view of your community in action on “Naperville News 17,” because as Jen says, “That’s the news, Naperville!”
“Naperville News 17” can be seen every day at 5 am, 7:30 am, 12 noon, 6pm, 10:30 pm and 1:30 am on Channel 17 on Comcast and WOW! and on Channel 99 on AT&T. You can also see it via live streaming at NCTV17.com.
—Jane Wernette, Community
Development Director, Naperville Community Television, Channel 17. NCTV17 is located at 127 Ambassador Drive, Suite 103 in Naperville. For MORE information, visit www.NCTV17.com.