14.3 F
Thursday, February 13, 2025

Forest Preserve District will host public forum on Feb. 27


The Forest Preserve District of DuPage County District 5 will host a public forum from 7-8PM on Wed., Feb. 27, at the Naperville Municipal Center lunchroom. Citizens are asked to attend a brief overview of District 5 and to share their experiences and ideas for improvement.


“Forest preserves are strong contributors to our quality of life,” said Mary Lou Wehrli, Commissioner of District 5. “It’s important to hear what people are enjoying and to identify areas for improvement,” she continued. Each district commissioner will be reporting back to the board at a March meeting.

The Forest Preserve District of DuPage County is comprised of six districts managing over 25,000 acres of prairies, woodlands, wetlands and facilities. District 5 is located in the southwest corner of the county and includes Springbrook Prairie, Country Lakes, Egermann Woods, McDowell Grove, Night Heron Marsh forest preserves as well as a number of preserves jointly-owned with the Naperville Park District including Burlington Park, Pioneer Park, Goodrich Woods, and West Branch Riverway.

Since 1915, the Forest Preserve District of DuPage County has served residents through its mission to acquire and hold lands for the purpose of preserving the flora, fauna and scenic beauty for the education, pleasure and recreation of its citizens. Forest preserve district boundaries are the same as the county board districts. www.co.dupage.il.us/CountyBoard/District_Map/2517/

For more information and to become involved, visit online at www.dupageforest.com or contact District 5 Commissioner Mary Lou Wehrli at (630) 420-2282 or mlwehrli@dupageforest.org.

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PN Editor
PN Editor
An editor is someone who prepares content for publishing. It entered English, the American Language, via French. Its modern sense for newspapers has been around since about 1800.