1.7 F
Friday, February 14, 2025

Woman’s Club seeks entries for high school art contest


Naperville Woman's ClubThe Naperville Woman’s Club in conjunction with the Illinois Federation of Women’s Clubs will sponsor a Young Adult Art Contest on February 21 and 22 at its clubhouse at 14 S. Washington St. The contest is open to all high school students (Grades 9 through 12) in District 203 and District 204, all private high school attendees and all home schooled high school students.

There are two categories of entries, as described below. The top three prize winners in each category will receive ribbons and cash prizes of $100, $75, and $50. There will also be 15 Honorable Mention ribbons and awards and these winners will be selected from all entries submitted in both categories.

Original two-dimensional artwork in paint, pencil, pen & ink, mixed media, pastel or collage may be submitted for Category I. The artwork cannot be larger than 20” x 24” (including mat) and can have no wood frame or glass. In this category the top three winning pieces will be submitted to the next level of Federation competition.

Category II includes 3 D art, and all other art. These pieces will be eligible for ribbons and cash prizes but are ineligible to progress to the next level of competition in the Illinois Federation contest.

A card must be attached on the back of each entry with the student’s name, home address, telephone number, school and grade, and the medium used, a second card must be included for registration purposes. All entries must be delivered to the Naperville Woman’s Club, 14 S. Washington Street on Thursday, February 21 between the hours of 2PM and 5PM. Judging will take place that evening.

There will be a public reception on Friday, February 22 from 4PM to 7PM and awards will be given out at 6PM.

All entrants will be eligible to compete for a one-week summer art school scholarship provided by the Naperville woman’s Club at Eastern Illinois University in Charleston or at the School of the Art Institute in Chicago. This event is partially sponsored by a grant from the City of Naperville.

For further information please call Bernice Bagliere at (630) 357-0605.

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PN Ombudsman
PN Ombudsman
An ombudsman is Scandinavian in origin dating back to Viking times; and refers to a community representative; usually acting independently on behalf of an organization, body of elected officials, or civic group. Thanks Scandinavia for inventing ombudsman.