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Positively Naperville Pop Quiz attracts players of all skill levels


Naper_Trivia_webThe January issue of Positively Naperville features the Naper Trivia 2013 Pop Quiz, the third one published since PN first hit the streets in September 2001 during the Last Fling Labor Day Parade.

The Pop Quiz is available online, easy to complete and even easier to submit electronically.

From now until 11:30PM Mon., Jan. 21, entries will be accepted. (Note: A prize will be awarded to the last person to enter the Pop Quiz.) As of Jan. 11, 16 entries had been submitted. Scores vary very much, especially on the trick questions.

Game players need to be sure to fill out your name, e-mail and the simple math security question. PN only will use this information to contact the winners to distribute prizes. Be sure to hit the “submit” button at the bottom of the page. You will be sent a confirmation e-mail. Already we know of one intended submission that ended up no where because he forgot to hit “submit.”

Rules & Etc.

Entry to play is free of charge.

Each question is worth 1 point. Each Bonus question included at the end of the quiz is worth 2 points.

Players will find a mix of 53 questions, multiple choice and true or false. There are 50 questions at 1 point each and 3 bonus questions at 2 points each for a total of 56 points. An additional one-point bonus question will be allowed until the end of the contest.

There is no time limit.  Naper Trivia is open book.  Past issues of PN are a good source.

Only one entry per e-mail is permitted.

Some of the questions are trick questions, so read carefully. One of the questions is both true and/or false, so no need to ponder it too long.

Winners along with the answers will be featured in the February issue with many heartfelt greetings.



Prizes include $50 gift certificates to numerous Naperville restaurants; a musical snow globe featuring Naperville landmarks; Rotary Gesundheit, a miniature-sized replica of the giraffe sculpture in City Hall; Horton the Elephant Dolls from the Seuss Estate, compliments of Anderson’s Bookshop; Cock Robin ONE in a Million t-shirts; a classic Mayor Pradel Bobblehead, a product created by Minuteman Press; and many more items with ties to Naperville.

First, second and third prizes will go to the first individual(s) with the top three scores.  (The date/time of entry will help weed the field.)

Prizes will go to the individual(s) who get all three of the Bonus 1, Bonus 2 and Bonus 3 point questions correct.

Note: Some bonus points will be featured on the Positively Naperville Facebook page between January 12 and January 20.  Every submission is allowed one bonus point. (If you are among the 16 early submissions who think it isn’t fair that you could have one more point, simply send an e-mail to stephanie@positivelynaperville.com and write in the subject line “I want the extra bonus point!” and we will add a bonus point to your score.)

A prize will go to the first person who submitted the answers to Naper Trivia on Jan. 6.

A prize will go to the player with the highest score who enters Naper Trivia on the anniversary of Ben Franklin’s birthday, Jan. 17.

A prize will go to the last person to enter Naper Trivia before the deadline at 11:30PM on Jan. 21.

A prize will go to the first person who gets exactly 25 questions correct— no more, no less.

Other consolation prizes will be presented as needed.

Thanks for reading and playing PN’s 2013 Pop Quiz.  All the answers for the open-book Pop Quiz will quickly come to mind to anyone who pays attention to the happenings in Naperville.  Have fun!  And good luck.

Updated January 29, 2013 / Congratulations, Winners

First Place – Mary Corrigan / 57 Points (Perfect Score Plus One Bonus Point from WSI Quiz Night at Quigley’s)

Second Place – Debra Sasveed / 53 Points

Third Place – Deb Newman / 50 Points


First Entry – Jan. 6, 2013 – Tim Jordan

Last Entry – Jan. 19, 2013 – Marianne Hofmann


First Entry on Jan. 17, Ben Franklin’s Birthdate in 1706 – Ed Channell


All Three Bonus Questions Correct

Dave Caims

Stephanie Cheehy

Mary Corrigan

Karen Eldrenkamp

Marianne Hofmann

Tim Jordan

Susan Kouri

Gary Leavenworth

Claire Liu

Deb Newman

Patti Roberts

Debra Sasveld


No one wins a prize for targeting exactly 25 correct answers, though several came very close!


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PN Editor
PN Editor
An editor is someone who prepares content for publishing. It entered English, the American Language, via French. Its modern sense for newspapers has been around since about 1800.