This past year was an amazing one at Dog Patch. We adopted out our last dog at close of Dec. 31. Our total was 191 dogs adopted for the year. Combined with well over 200 kittens, Dog Patch saved more than 400 lives in 2012. Not to mention three rats from a shelter in Indiana that we took in and placed.
As a business we are doing great. We had serious fears that we would struggle without income from puppy sales. Our fears were unwarranted. Thanks to our loyal customers that have been with us for over 40 years and the new folks that our rescue efforts have attracted, I’m happy to report we are doing well.
In the coming year, expect us to search out the best and latest in food, treats and toys. We are already bringing in some awesome new products.
Our continued rescue efforts have us targeting even more animals to be saved. Our work with “A Place to Bark” is bringing us great animals on a regular basis. Along with local shelters, we expect to make a larger dent in the rescue world.
Daisy has a new buddy. His name is Abner. Check out our Facebook page to learn more about this special little guy.