Welcome to the New Year! The NAHC is starting 2013 with a clean slate! Please do not misunderstand me, 2012 was a terrific year, but the last month was dominated by Water Street. It is unfortunate the developer escalated the overall size and density of this project rather than listening to NAHC concerns as we offered multiple suggestions to slim down this 800 pound gorilla. A new plan will be revealed to Council January 15. We hope to participate in the review process and will continue to encourage reasonable development in our great City.
Our slate will not remain blank for long. We are planning various public education events covering the key issues candidates and office-holders will face in 2013.
On January 24 we will host a public meeting on Common Core Curricular standards. These federal mandates will dramatically impact not only how children are instructed, but hold the potential for financial impacts on all homeowners as the game changes. Longer school days and years beyond the current 9-plus months are on the table.
In preparation for the April 9 elections, we will host Park District and School Board 203 candidates in February. In March we will question hopefuls for School Board 204 and City Council. Members of the Confederation Board believe these forums are the finest means to bring key issues to the forefront while minimizing candidate rhetoric.
To continue our education commitment to our residents, the General membership meeting in January features a 2013 preview from the State legislators serving our area. In February we will look at the Fiscal 2014 City Budget.
More details can be found at www.napervillehomeowners.com.
I challenge you to strongly participate in these in-depth events created just for you. We are an organization that is dedicated to bettering our neighbors’ lives. Come invest your time with us.