In the wake of the senseless tragedy in Newtown, Connecticut, our friends at Samaritan Interfaith issued the following thoughts to the community.
There is no way to make sense of the terrible tragedy that happened at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut last Friday. There are no words to express the shock, anger and despair we all feel for these children, their families, the teachers, the school, and the entire town. Many of us feel helpless in the face of such senseless loss. There is little we can do to ease the grief of the families affected by this horrible event.
But there is something we can do – right here in our own homes. We can hold those we love a little closer and let them know we love them. We can spend more quality time with our own children; we can take time to really listen to them, turn off the tv, the cell phone, and the computer and be as present in their lives as we can be.
Today how many parent-child battles over bedtimes, too much television, and uneaten vegetables will feel like a blessing, a luxury? The parents of the children killed at Sandy Hook Elementary would give anything to have just one more moment with their child. One online post asked everyone to be extra kind to every little child you see.
Today please join us in a prayer for the families of God’s littlest angels and for the heroes who tried to protect them.
Your friends at Samaritan Interfaith