Following a budget presentation and discussion at the Nov. 15 Park Board Workshop, the Naperville Park District Board of Commissioners released a draft of the 2013 budget for the agency, which is now available for public review at and at the Park District Administration Building at 320 W. Jackson Ave.
The Park Board will vote on the adoption of the 2013 budget and appropriation ordinance at its Dec. 17, 2012 meeting.
The Park District’s annual budget is based on organizational and departmental initiatives guided by the District’s Strategic Plan and Master Plan.
Some of the key capital initiatives planned for 2013 include the development of a nature center at Knoch Knolls, ball field improvements in the north section of Knoch Park, and installation of a synthetic turf field at Commissioners Park.
“As we look forward to 2013, the Park District continues to operate from a strong financial position,” said Executive Director Ray McGury. Earlier this year, Moody’s Investor’s Service renewed the District’s Aaa bond rating, based on the District’s healthy reserve levels, favorable debt profile, and conservative revenue assumptions.
For more information on the Naperville Park District and its programs, visit