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Blue Ribbon Assembly ends outside with students’ filling the shape of blue ribbon


The Ss. Peter and Paul Catholic School family celebrated a blue ribbon day inside and out on Fri., Nov. 16.

Earlier this week Naperville’s Ss. Peter and Paul Catholic School, established in 1853, was recognized as a Blue Ribbon School by the U.S. Department of Education in Washington, D.C.

Principal Frank Glowaty and Assistant Principal Jane Moylan traveled to Washington to accept the award on Nov. 13 at the 30th annual U.S. Department of Education recognition ceremony for National Blue Ribbon Schools. The National Blue Ribbon Schools Program recognizes public and private elementary, middle and high schools where students perform at very high levels. Approximately 219 public and 50 private schools were honored during the recognition ceremony.

Upon their return a Blue Ribbon Assembly was planned Friday afternoon after a special lunch of pizza and ice cream.

Ruthy O’Malley introduced Friday’s assembly, Principal Glowaty, Mayor George Pradel and all officials in attendance amid cheers and smiles from a receptive audience, mostly students in blue t-shirts emblazoned with “Saints Peter and Paul School, A National School of Excellence.” The five-year teacher who herself  had attended Ss. Peter and Paul from K-8 said, “This means so much to me!”

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Principal Glowaty cited lessons learned regarding many things happening beyond today’s festivities in the private school that “strive for excellence for all children.”

During the assembly in the gymnasium with students filling the bleachers and others seated on the floor, students, faculty, staff and parents  learned that Ss. Peter and Paul was  in “unique, elite company.”  Their school with 611 students is one school out of every 3,000 schools in the United States to receive the honor, their principal said.

Principal Glowaty also reminded the students about many things for which to be proud beyond the Blue Ribbon School. He took a few minutes to capture the spirit of Ss. Peter and Paul, describing “kind, polite, respectful, happy students” who come to school to experience a “well-rounded education” strong in faith.

“It’s good to see all of you in a sea of blue,” said Mayor George Pradel just prior to his reading of a proclamation in praise of the Parish school’s honored accomplishment. The Mayor’s Proclamation will be given to the school for display.

Pat Guess and Becky Ondracek presented the Blue Ribbon Plaque as the two women were recognized for their achievements in completing the 43-page application that took two days to complete last December.

The four most senior teachers, Maura Gleason, Penny Schur, Mary Skroch and Sue Gensler, presented the Blue Ribbon Flag during the assembly and moments after the conclusion of the inside celebration, Rich Row and Dave Schmecht raised the flag to fly  in front to the school.

Afterward, all students in attendance went outside to assemble on the church yard, filling in the shape of a blue ribbon.

Ss. Peter and Paul is located at 201 E. Franklin Ave. For more information, visit www.sspeterandpaulschool.com.

RELATED POST: Ss. Peter and Paul School Announcement Nov. 12

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PN Editor
PN Editor
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