Candidate petitions for City Council positions in the 2013 Naperville municipal election may begin being filed at 9AM on Mon., Nov. 19, 2012, in the City Clerk’s Office at the Naperville Municipal Center, 400 S. Eagle St.
The filing period will take place from 9AM to 5PM. Mon., Nov. 19 through Mon., Nov. 26, 2012, excluding weekend days and holidays.
Note that the Municipal Center will be closed on both November 22 and November 23 in observance of the Thanksgiving holiday.
Those individuals in line at 9AM on Nov. 19 to submit petitions will be put into a lottery drawing for ballot placement. The lottery to determine ballot order of candidates who simultaneously file petitions will be held in December. The date, time and location will be announced after all petitions have been received. The lottery would be open to the public and candidates would not be required to attend.
Up for election in 2013 are four two-year, full-term City Council positions. Two-year full-term positions are required in the 2013 municipal election due to the implementation of the district election system in 2015.
For more information on the City of Naperville, visit
PN Editor’s Note: The Consolidated Election of local governing bodies will be held on Tues., April 9, 2013. Petitions for ballot measures and referendum questions (such as Vote Yes at Large) may be filed any time up to 92 days before the April 9, 2013 Election— the last day would be January 4, 2013.
Note that candidates running for City Council must file by Nov. 26, 2012, because they are filing prior to the Consolidated Primary, slated on Tues., Feb. 26, 2013.
FYI: Candidates participating in the elections for Park District Board of Commissioners and School Boards 203 and 204 must file their petitions by Dec. 24 because of a different filing calendar.
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