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Monday, February 10, 2025

Things to do around Naperville Veterans Day Weekend



Naperville Field of Honor with 2012 American Flags at Rotary Hill / Thru Tuesday, November 13 / 2,012 American Flags line Rotary Hill in downtown Naperville!

Colin MacKnight Organ Recital at Ss. Peter and Paul / 7-9PM / Come to Ss. Peter and Paul Church on Friday, November 9 at 7PM to hear Colin Macknight (Organist) perform works of Mendelssohn, Bach, and Reger. A Free-Will offering will be accepted. For more information please call, 630-718-2119 or e-mail rlynch@sspeterandpaul.net.

Community Players present Twelve Angry Men / 8PM / Community Players present Twelve Angry Men at Community United Methodist Church, 20 N. Center Street, Naperville. Friday/Saturday performances are at 8PM, November 9, 10, 16, 17 respectively and a matinee performance is at 3PM Sunday, November 11. The church is located in downtown Naperville one block east of Washington and Benton Street. Tickets are available at the door. $10 for adults and $8 for Seniors and Students with ID.


Happy 237th Birthday U.S. Marines! Blood Drive at VFW Post 3873 / 7:30AM-1:30PM / Remember to visit the Field of Honor at Rotary Hill. Happy Birthday to the U.S. Marine Corps. Also, have a great birthday party! Donate blood at Judd Kendall VFW Post 3873. To schedule an appointment, call LifeSource at (877) 543-6769. Happy 237th Birthday U.S. Marines! Thanks to all men and women in the military for your service.

North Central College presents Theatreworks USA’s family-friendly production “The Velveteen Rabbit” / 10AM & 1PM / Based on the children’s book by Margery Williams, at 10AM and 1PM Saturday, Nov. 10, in the College’s Wentz Concert Hall at the Fine Arts Center, 171 E. Chicago Ave., Naperville. Tickets are $10/adults, $5/children (under 12); call 630-637-SHOW (7469) or visit northcentralcollege.edu/showtix.

“Thanksgiving: The Great American Holiday” presentation at Naper Settlement / 1-3PM / Food and tradition are the heart and soul of Thanksgiving, this most-loved and most-observed holiday. From the First Thanksgiving in 1621 to the present day, “Thanksgiving: The Great American Holiday” invites the audience to learn more about this holiday from 1 to 3PM Saturday, Nov. 10 at Naper Settlement, 523 S. Webster St., Naperville. Presenter Penelope Bingham shares her lifelong passion for books and cooking. Her personal collection of cookbooks now exceeds 2,000 volumes. Participants are invited to bring a favorite holiday recipe to share that will be posted on Naper Settlement’s website. For ages teen to adults. Limited seating. Tickets are $12/person. Call (630) 420-6010 for reservations.


Dedication of Veterans Memorial / 9:30-10AM / The Naperville Cemetery Association would like to invite everyone to be present as the new Veterans Memorial is dedicated. The dedication will take place on Sunday, November 11, 2012 at 9:30AM. The Naperville Cemetery is located at 705 S. Washington in Naperville.

Remember Veterans Day ’11-11-11′ at Rotary Hill / 11AM-12:30PM / The Judd Kendall VFW Post 3873 and the American Legion Post 43 will host Naperville’s annual Veterans Day Observance at the Moser Tower with the 72-bell carillon. The Naperville Municipal Band will perform medleys of patriotic music prior to the ceremony at “11-11-11.″ Note that since the Field of Honor is on display with 2,012 American flags, the ceremony will be held this year at Rotary Hill along the Riverwalk in downtown Naperville. Find parking across the street from Rotary Hill at Naperville Central High School.

History Speaks Lecture Series: FDR and Lincoln Together – America in Crisis / 4-5PM / Abraham Lincoln, portrayed by Max Daniels, and Franklin Delano Roosevelt, portray by R.J. Lindsey, will appear together to talk about their times of challenge during this History Speaks presentation, FDR and Lincoln Together – America in Crisis from 4 to 5PM Sunday, Nov. 11 at Naper Settlement’s Century Memorial Chapel, 523 S. Webster St., Naperville. Moderator Donna Daniels guides the presentation with questions about Fort Sumter, Pearl Harbor and the appropriate role of government. Advance tickets are $6/person, $5/students and Naperville Heritage Society Sustaining members. Tickets on the day of the program are $7/person and $6/students and NHSS members. Call (630) 420-6010 for reservations.

Annual Veterans Day Dinner co-sponsored by our American Legion Post 43 and VFW Post 3873 / The social hour starts at 4PM; dinner at 5PM; with the program to follow. As in the past, this will be held at Judd Kendall VFW Post 3873., 908 W. Jackson. Menu: The world-famous Kendall Cooks will be preparing a Turkey Dinner with all the trimmings. The dinner price remains at $12pp payable at the door.


Veterans Day Breakfast hosted by School District 203 /7AM / Held at District 203 Administrative Center 203 West Hillside Road, Naperville / For veterans to enjoy a light breakfast and hear Veterans Day readings and entertainment by District 203 students. To attend, RSVP by November 6 to (630) 548-7878 or 203RSVP@Naperville203.org INFO: (630) 420-6475 / Sponsored by Naperville Community Unit School 203 Board of Education.

Visit Day at North Central College / 9AM-1:30PM / High school students and their parents or guardians are invited to attend North Central College’s Visit Day on Monday, Nov. 12. Registration begins at 9:30AM in the Wentz Concert Hall lobby at the Fine Arts Center, 171 E. Chicago Ave., and concludes with lunch at 12:30PM. High-achieving students are invited to an optional session at 9AM. Visitors can take a walking tour and attend informative sessions on financial aid, academic highlights and student life. For more information and to register call 630-637-5800 or visit northcentralcollege.edu/visit.


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PN Ombudsman
PN Ombudsman
An ombudsman is Scandinavian in origin dating back to Viking times; and refers to a community representative; usually acting independently on behalf of an organization, body of elected officials, or civic group. Thanks Scandinavia for inventing ombudsman.