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Naperville premieres ‘Council Update’ video production featuring agenda items


The City of Naperville premiered a new video production titled “Council Update”  at 8PM on Fri., Nov. 2 on government access TV station WCNC (Ch. 6 – WOW, Ch. 10 – Comcast and Ch. 99 – AT&T).

The approximately three-minute video  featured City Manager Doug Krieger briefly explaining two to three topics of interest from the upcoming City Council Agenda, including the proposed Water Street District. The closer examination of agenda items will provide a benefit to residents who are interested in learning more about important issues facing Naperville.

“We’re excited to offer another service to residents and businesses that will provide insight and greater transparency into City Council agenda items,” said City Manager Doug Krieger. “The range of topics will give residents a better understanding of how items their elected officials discuss impact their everyday lives.”

New videos will air prior to each City Council meeting. “Council Update” will air several times on WCNC Friday through the day of City Council meetings.

The WCNC November schedule is available to view at www.naperville.il.us/wcnc.aspx.

In addition, videos will be available to view on-demand on the City’s YouTube channel at www.youtube.com/OfficialNapervilleIL and via Streaming Media Archives at www.naperville.il.us/granicus.html.

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City of Naperville
City of Napervillehttp://www.naperville.il.us.
About Naperville: Located 28 miles west of Chicago, Naperville, Ill., is home to approximately 145,000 people. This vibrant, thriving City consistently ranks as a top community in the nation in which to live, raise children and retire. The City is home to acclaimed public and parochial schools, the best public library system in the country, an array of healthcare options and an exceptionally low crime rate. Naperville has ready access to a variety of public transportation, housing and employment options. The City’s diversified employer base features high technology firms, retailers and factories, as well as small and home-based businesses. Residents also enjoy world-class parks, diverse worship options, the opportunity to serve on several City boards and commissions, a thriving downtown shopping and dining area, a renowned outdoor history museum known as Naper Settlement and an active civic community. For more information, please visit our website at www.naperville.il.us.