The City of Naperville would like to remind residents and interested parties that the next Naperville Planning and Zoning Commission meeting will take place on Wednesday, October 17 at 7PM in Council Chambers of the Naperville Municipal Center, 400 S. Eagle St. Residents can view the latest Planning and Zoning Commission agenda and corresponding information in Adobe Acrobat PDF format at
Any individual with a disability requesting a reasonable accommodation in order to participate in a public meeting should contact the Accessibility Coordinator at least 48 hours in advance of the scheduled meeting. The Accessibility Coordinator can be reached via telephone at (630) 420-6725 or (630) 305-5205 (TDD). Every effort will be made to allow for meeting participation.
Meetings are also broadcast live and re-broadcast on the City’s government access television station WCNC (Channel 6 – WOW, Channel 10 – Comcast and Channel 99 – AT&T). A full schedule of re-broadcast times is available at