The Naperville Police and Fire Departments will host “Partnering for Prevention,” a family-friendly interactive open house to help promote Public Safety Month.
This year’s event will be held from 11AM-2PM Sat., Oct. 13, on the Public Safety Campus, located at 1380 Aurora Ave.

Come see McGruff the Crime Dog and Sparky the Fire Dog to share and learn some valuable lessons about safety around the home, school and playground.
The purpose is to disseminate timely crime and fire prevention information to Naperville residents of all ages and to encourage citizen action regarding crime and fire prevention strategies. Both departments firmly advocate that citizens are the number one defense against fire and crime and want to spread the word that residents need to “Prepare, Practice and Prevent” in order to keep their families safe.
Especially popular among scouts and youth groups, “Partnering for Prevention” is a demonstrative event featuring activities such as an auto extrication and simulated DUI arrest, along with a Superior Air Med Helicopter exercise and a flashover fire demonstration. A large display of fire and police vehicles and equipment also will be on site.
Old favorites such as the evidence collection demonstration of fingerprint lifting and fire extinguisher training will return, too.
Teens also will have an opportunity to participate by experiencing the AAA Distracted Driving Simulator. The simulator educates new and future drivers about the dangers of texting and driving.
Throughout the month of October, many local events are planned to engage residents in safety education.
Safety events
Substance Abuse Prevention Posters Exhibit / Oct. 1-31 / Fry and Kroehler Family YMCA’s
Substance Abuse Prevention posters created by students in area elementary schools will be on display at Naperville’s two YMCAs this month. A committee of parents and teachers from each school chose posters to represent their school. District 204 posters will be on display at the Fry Family “Y,” located at 2120 W. 95th St. Students from District 203 and a number of the city’s private schools will have their posters displayed at the Kroehler Family “Y,” located at 34 S. Washington St.
National Red Ribbon Week will be celebrated October 23-31 to highlight the importance of keeping our community drug-free. Check with your child’s school for their schedule of related activities.
Calendar Recognition Event / 6:30PM Mon., Oct. 1 / Municipal Center
Mayor George Pradel, and Chief Bob Marshall, will recognize the students whose artwork appears on the 2012-2013 Crime Prevention Calendar.
CSI-Cub Scouts Investigate / Oct. 8 / 3 sessions at Safety Town / Registration Required
Bear Cub Scout Dens are invited to participate in “CSI- Cub Scouts Investigate” at Safety Town, 1320 Aurora Ave., sponsored by the Naperville Junior Woman’s Club and the Naperville Police Department. The program will concentrate on crime awareness and prevention. A tour of the Police Station is included. Advance registration required. INFO:
AARP Driver Safety Class / 8:30AM-12:30PM Tues., Oct. 9 & Wed., Oct. 10 / Naperville Police Department
The Naperville Police Department is partnering with AARP to offer a “Driver Safety Program.” This classroom driver refresher course, designed for drivers age 50 and older, has assisted millions of mature drivers to stay safe. Topics include: Understanding the normal effects of aging on driving and practical ways to compensate for those changes; driving strategies for the mature driver; identifying the most common crash situations and how to avoid them; and an update on the rules of the road, vehicle accessories, and local traffic hazards. The objective of the course is to help participants drive safer and therefore keep their licenses longer.
There is a $14 fee for the course ($12 for AARP members). Register in advance by mailing your name, address and phone number, along with a check made out to AARP to:
Naperville Police Department c/o AARP Driver Safety Course Att. Mary Browning 1350 Aurora Avenue Naperville, IL. 60540Traffic Safety Merit Badge-Boy Scouts 2 classes / 4-6:15PM & 6:30-8:45PM Wed., Oct. 10 / Naperville Police Department
The Naperville Police Department Traffic Unit will offer area Boy Scouts an opportunity to earn their Traffic Safety Merit Badge. The NPD makes every effort to keep drivers and roadways in Naperville safe; however, much of that responsibility ultimately lies with the drivers themselves. This Merit Badge aligns well with the educational and awareness campaigns that Naperville Police believe are important to ensure the safe movement of vehicles, bicycles and pedestrians throughout the city. Additionally, many Boy Scouts are new drivers or learning how to drive a motor vehicle. This Merit Badge will help Scouts establish good habits early. This workshop will be conducted by members of the NPD Traffic Unit. Registration is required. Contact Mary Browning at with your name, address, phone number, and Troop # or call Mary at (630) 420-6731.
Public Safety Open House / 11-2PM Sat., Oct. 13 / Public Safety Campus Aurora Ave. at River Rd.
The Naperville Police and Fire Departments will host “Partnering for Prevention. See complete details on the front page.
Internet Safety for Parents / 6:30PM Wed., Oct. 17 / Kroehler Family YMCA (Teen Zone) 34 S. Washington St.
Parents and their children will have an opportunity to learn about Internet Safety during this presentation in the “Teen Zone” at the Kroehler Family YMCA.
This presentation is intended for parents and their children in grades 4 to 8 to attend together. Taught by two Naperville Police Department Crime Prevention/Community Education Specialists, the event will help parents and their children understand why limits on the Internet are needed and will assist them in starting the necessary dialog in order to keep their family safe while online.
Participants will learn how to become “tough targets” so they are less likely to fall prey to Internet predators. Discussion will center on safe screen names, keeping personal information private, game sites, social networking sites and chat rooms. No registration is required. For more information, call Mary Browning (630) 420-6731 or Marcia Schild (630) 420-6667 at the NPD.
13th annual Keeping Kids Safe / 7PM Wed., Oct. 24 / Naperville Municipal Center
Sponsored by the Exchange Club of Naperville in cooperation with School Districts 203 and 204, the DuPage Child Abuse Prevention Coalition, and Prevent Child Abuse Illinois, the free program is for parents only to address “Preventing your kids from victimization by cyber stalkers and more…” Past programs have addressed cyber-bullying, sexting, online predators and many other subjects in an effort to keep the information timely. Det. Wistocki is a sought after speaker who imparts practical information regarding ever-evolving computer technology.
No registration is necessary. INFO: Sherry Weinstein at
Naperville Crime Stoppers Running Scared 5K / 8AM Sat., Oct. 27 / St. Elizabeth Seton Church
As a safety fixture in Naperville since 1983, Naperville Crime Stoppers will hold its first “Running Scared” 5K race, starting and finishing at Saint Elizabeth Seton Church, 2220 Lisson Rd. Participants should arrive at 7:30AM, 30 minutes before race start. Costumes are welcome and encouraged. Come and meet McGruff, the Crime Fighting Dog, and join us for family-friendly Halloween activities. For more information and to register in advance, visit