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Thursday, February 13, 2025

Rotary Clubs link up to donate generator to children’s hospital in Haiti


Joe Raoul of Naperville, Illinois, is grateful that he was able to bring some assistance to the country of his birth after the magnitude 7.0 earthquake that struck Haiti in 2010 devastated so much of the country. Grace Children’s Hospital in Delmas, Haiti, suffered so much structural damage that it had to be demolished.

Operated by International Child Care, Grace Children’s Hospital is a major provider of health care to children and adolescents in the Port-au-Princearea and also provides treatment to some adults.

After the quake, hospital workers and medical personnel quickly reestablished service by utilizing a number of temporary facilities to continue providing health care that had suddenly become even more urgent. Although again providing health care, Grace Children’s Hospital was frustrated by outages in electric service from the local utility.

In his quest to find ways to help the people of Haiti, Raoul, a member of The Rotary Club of Naperville, met Keith Mumma, U.S.A. National Director of International Child Care and a Rotarian in Kalamazoo, Michigan, through Joe’s nephew, Illinois Senator Kwame Raoul.

Together they initiated a project that resulted in The Rotary Club of Naperville and their International partner, Rotary Club of Petion-ville in Haiti, purchasing, shipping, and installing a 100 KW diesel-powered electric generator for Grace Children’s Hospital. That generator now supplies the hospital with reliable power during interruptions of the local electric service. Grace Children’s Hospital typically provides health care to 20 inpatients and 350 outpatients on a daily basis.

International Child Care now faces the challenge of rebuilding a new hospital in Haiti and welcomes donations.

To learn more about International Child Care and how other individuals  and organizations can make a difference, see http://internationalchildcare.org.

For more information about The Rotary Club of Naperville and the humanitarian projects it supports,  visit www.napervillerotary.clubexpress.com.

PHOTO: An active member of Rotary, Raoul is known for singing “God Bless America” at special events such as the Rotary District 6450 Governor Installation Dinner held in July.

Submitted by Jini Clare of the Rotary Club of Naperville / Photo by PN

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