NAPERVILLE, Ill. — The main driveway to access the Police and Fire Administration buildings off of Aurora Ave. at its intersection with Birchwood Dr. will be closed for two days to perform maintenance in the parking lot as part of the City’s Municipal Parking Lot Improvement Project.
The public driveway that leads to the Fire Department Administration building, 1380 Aurora Ave., and the Police Department, 1350 Aurora Ave., is scheduled to be closed Thurs., September 20 and Fri., September 21 for construction. Both buildings will remain open to the public during construction work; however, the public will need to access the buildings using alternative entrances.
The public can access the Fire Department Administration building from Aurora Avenue at the intersection of Whispering Hills Drive and the Electric Service Center driveway. The public can access the Police Department from River Road and park in the Safety Town parking lot.
All construction is weather dependent; notice of schedule changes as well as more information about the project will be posted to the City’s website on the Police and Fire department web pages and in the local media when possible.
Maintenance on the Police Department parking lot is the last component of the Municipal Parking Lot Improvement Project that began this spring. The project includes maintenance at 20 City-owned parking lots that range from minor work such as sidewalk replacement, curb and gutter replacement and patching to major repair work such as resurfacing and seal coating. The parking lots are located throughout Naperville and include seven fire stations, four downtown lots, six commuter lots, the Naperville Police Department, Electric Service Center and Springbrook Water Reclamation Center.
Construction on all lots is slated for completion by October 2012.