As the Naperville Homeowners Confederation starts its 2012 – 2013 General Meetings, and as the by-laws mandate, my last months as your President, I’d like to share a few observations from almost two complete terms of watching our Board come into its own as a cohesive force. My observations should give any person or group peace of mind about the tremendous depth of strength and determination fulfilling our core value of serving the community “Neighbor to Neighbor.” As many know, I created this motto to exemplify why we are the organization everyone depends upon to do the correct thing.
The current 16-member Board approaches everything in a collegial manner that allows us to fulfill our charter. As President, I’m blessed with the knowledge, experience and intellectual capital they each bring into Board meetings. This high morale and real productivity is not hindered by hidden agendas, overt politics or confusion. This strong volunteer commitment to make things happen is evidenced by the organizational and manpower needs surrounding the upcoming NAHC Election Forums (which start with DuPage County Board races on Sept. 12). These educational events enable neighbors to learn about issues, not rhetoric, and hopefully avoid the voter’s remorse now evident after a slim turnout approved City Council districts.
Beyond forums, members will benefit immensely from the approved topics at upcoming General Meetings. On Sept. 15 every key City department will review key questions residents ask of them. This opportunity to interact with City staff can only be found in Naperville at a Confederation meeting!
I look forward to meeting and welcoming you with coffee at 8AM and a prompt start at 8:30 AM, Sat., Sept. 15. In the meantime, remember that the NAHC will do it correctly thanks to a solid Board and leadership team. As always, details are at