22.8 F
Saturday, February 15, 2025

Frank Stromberg ‘Buddy’ Award goes to Laury Dobson



The memory and contributions of Frank Stromberg will always be with us. We still tell Frank tales and laugh at the recollections. We want Frank Stromberg to always be with us. In keeping with that theme we have established the FRANK STROMBERG “BUDDY” AWARD.

This is an award that was started last year and will be presented each year by the outgoing Commander to that individual in the Post who best represents unselfish service to his country, community and comrades, preserving the past, protecting the future and providing assistance and support to fellow veterans in need.

In is an extreme honor and gives me great pleasure to announce the winner of the STROMBERG “BUDDY” AWARD FOR 2012:


Laury typifies the ideals that this award spells out. Most of you know Laury for being the “Lead Dog” in our Buddy Poppy Sales but he does much more than that for the Post and Veterans. First of all he is a “SEABEE” and will never let you forget it. He goes to Hines every month and brings a ray of sunshine to the Veterans. He is always at the Fish Fries helping to clean, offer advice, and hit on the ladies. He is known city-wide at all major garage sales looking for stuffed animals and other goodies to use at our raffles. At the Memorial Day Parade Laury can be seen and heard yelling out of the trolley at the kids, telling them to pick the flags up off the ground.

Our Laury is always available to offer advice and opinions. With a gleam in his eye he will throw a hand-grenade out at our meetings to see what blows up. Laury loves animated discussions. He is also very active in his church and has been active in politics for years. Many of you will remember militant seniors attacking Congressman Dan Rostenkowski several years ago because Congress was making changes to Social Security that they found unacceptable. Yep, that was our boy draped over Rosty’s car hood. He fought for freedom in WWII and he feels that he has the right to exercise that freedom. You go Laury! Too bad we don’t have more citizens with your attitude.

I personally thank you for all you do for the community, the Post and for Veterans Laury. You and Frank were friends and you both have done so much to make our Post the success that it is. We are all better for knowing you.

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Mike Barbour
Mike Barbour
Mike Barbour is a Service Officer, American Legion Post 43, and regular contributor to PN. Also contact him at mbarbour@wowway.com.